In my career having vast experience in automating API, Web browsers and Mobile apps, I have seen that people had to use different frameworks for automating API, Web and Mobile applications which created a lot of chaos with respect to maintenance of dependencies and their respective code for test automation.
Also, I never came across a test automation framework which allowed us to write automation test script without any project specific boilerplate code or a mini framework.
In addition to this, there was learning curve involved for learning those individual frameworks which slowed down the team to write automation and thus increased overall automation debt.
This all gave me an idea of having a single framework which could solve all the above mentioned problems and help the QA's to keep the pace up with writing test scripts and reduce the automation debt.
- β Zero boilerplate code
- β Support Rest API automation with schema validations and response body verification
- β Supports Web browser automation with support for Chrome, Edge, Firefox and Safari.
- β Supports Android native, web and hybrid apps automation
- β Supports iOS native, web and hybrid apps automation
- β Allow Multi-user Multi-platform session interactions like testing a multi-platform chat application
- β Supports execution of Web tests on cloud platforms like BrowserStack and LambdaTest
- β
Highly configurable via
- β Micro logging to log events of the test execution
- β Supports taking screenshots
- β Highly extensible via listeners for integrating with available Reporters
- β Supports any available test frameworks like TestNG, JUnit, Cucumber, etc.
Following are the awesome features which will be implemented soon to the frameworks:
- Support for GraphQL and SOAP API automation
- Support video recording of the tests for Web and Mobile platforms
- Support for more cloud platforms.
- Many many more...
Use this space to tell a little more about your project and how it can be used. Show additional screenshots, code samples, demos or link to other resources.
π οΈ Boyka Config file
This is the configuration file for Boyka Framework named boyka-config.json
stored at src/test/resources
"listeners_package": "com.github.wasiqb.boyka.testng.listeners",
"ui": {
"timeout": {
"implicit_wait": 10,
"explicit_wait": 10,
"page_load_timeout": 30,
"script_timeout": 10,
"highlight_delay": 100
"logging": {
"exclude_logs": ["bugreport"]
"screenshot": {
"enabled": true,
"path": "./screenshots",
"extension": "jpeg",
"prefix": "SCR"
"web": {
"test_local_chrome": {
"base_url": "",
"browser": "CHROME",
"highlight": true,
"headless": false,
"resize": "CUSTOM",
"custom_size": {
"width": 1580,
"height": 1080
"test_local_firefox": {
"browser": "FIREFOX"
"test_local_edge": {
"browser": "EDGE"
"test_local_safari": {
"browser": "SAFARI"
"test_browserstack_chrome": {
"browser": "REMOTE",
"target": "BROWSER_STACK",
"user_name": "${env:BS_USER}",
"password": "${env:BS_KEY}",
"capabilities": {
"browser": "Chrome",
"browser_version": "latest",
"os": "Windows",
"os_version": "10",
"resolution": "1920x1080",
"project": "Test Boyka Project",
"build": "Test BrowserStack Build",
"name": "Test BrowserStack Session"
"test_selenium_grid": {
"browser": "REMOTE",
"target": "LOCAL",
"port": "4444",
"capabilities": {
"browserName": "chrome",
"platform": "MAC"
"test_lambda_test_chrome": {
"browser": "REMOTE",
"target": "LAMBDA_TEST_WEB",
"user_name": "${env:LT_USER}",
"password": "${env:LT_KEY}",
"capabilities": {
"browserName": "Chrome",
"version": "99.0",
"platform": "Windows 10",
"resolution": "1920x1080",
"build": "Test LambdaTest Build",
"name": "Test LambdaTest Session",
"network": true,
"visual": true,
"video": true,
"console": true
"mobile": {
"test_local_sauce_android": {
"server": {
"target": "LOCAL",
"port": 4723,
"session_override": true,
"driver": "UI_AUTOMATOR",
"allow_insecure": ["get_server_logs"]
"device": {
"os": "ANDROID",
"version": "11",
"name": "Pixel_6_Pro",
"type": "VIRTUAL",
"server_install_timeout": 60,
"server_launch_timeout": 60,
"ignore_unimportant_views": true,
"swipe": {
"distance": 25,
"max_swipe_until_found": 5
"application": {
"path": "/apps/android/sauce-demo.apk",
"install_timeout": 180
"virtual_device": {
"name": "Pixel_6_Pro",
"headless": true
"test_bs_android": {
"server": {
"target": "BROWSER_STACK",
"user_name": "${env:BS_USER}",
"password": "${env:BS_KEY}",
"driver": "UI_AUTOMATOR"
"device": {
"os": "ANDROID",
"version": "11.0",
"name": "Google Pixel 5",
"type": "CLOUD",
"ignore_unimportant_views": true,
"application": {
"path": "AndroidApp",
"external": true,
"install_timeout": 180
"capabilities": {
"projectName": "BrowserStack Android Project",
"buildName": "Test BrowserStack Build",
"sessionName": "Test BrowserStack Session",
"appiumVersion": "2.0.0",
"automationVersion": "latest",
"deviceLogs": true,
"networkLogs": true,
"debug": true,
"video": true,
"appiumLogs": true
"test_lt_android": {
"server": {
"user_name": "${env:LT_USER}",
"password": "${env:LT_KEY}",
"driver": "UI_AUTOMATOR"
"device": {
"type": "CLOUD",
"application": {
"install_timeout": 180,
"wait_activity": "com.swaglabsmobileapp.MainActivity"
"ignore_unimportant_views": true,
"capabilities": {
"platformName": "Android",
"deviceName": "Pixel 5",
"platformVersion": "11",
"app": "${env:LT_APP_ANDROID}",
"project": "LambdaTest Android Project",
"build": "Test LambdaTest Build",
"name": "Test LambdaTest Session",
"devicelog": true,
"network": true,
"visual": true,
"video": true,
"autoGrantPermissions": true,
"autoAcceptAlerts": true,
"isRealMobile": true,
"w3c": true
"test_local_sauce_ios": {
"server": {
"target": "LOCAL",
"port": 4724,
"session_override": true,
"driver": "XCUI",
"allow_insecure": ["get_server_logs"]
"device": {
"os": "IOS",
"version": "16.2",
"name": "iPhone 14 Pro Max",
"type": "VIRTUAL",
"server_install_timeout": 60,
"server_launch_timeout": 60,
"connect_keyboard": false,
"typing_speed": 30,
"swipe": {
"distance": 25,
"max_swipe_until_found": 5
"virtual_device": {
"headless": true,
"launch_timeout": 180
"wda": {
"launch_timeout": 120,
"connection_timeout": 120
"application": {
"path": "/apps/ios/",
"install_timeout": 180
"test_bs_ios": {
"server": {
"target": "BROWSER_STACK",
"user_name": "${env:BS_USER}",
"password": "${env:BS_KEY}",
"driver": "XCUI"
"device": {
"os": "IOS",
"version": "16",
"name": "iPhone 14 Pro",
"type": "CLOUD",
"application": {
"path": "IOSApp",
"external": true,
"install_timeout": 180
"capabilities": {
"projectName": "BrowserStack iOS Project",
"buildName": "Test BrowserStack Build",
"sessionName": "Test BrowserStack Session",
"appiumVersion": "2.0.0",
"automationVersion": "latest",
"deviceLogs": true,
"networkLogs": true,
"debug": true,
"video": true,
"appiumLogs": true
"test_lt_ios": {
"server": {
"user_name": "${env:LT_USER}",
"password": "${env:LT_KEY}",
"driver": "XCUI"
"device": {
"type": "CLOUD",
"application": {
"install_timeout": 180
"ignore_unimportant_views": true,
"capabilities": {
"platformName": "iOS",
"deviceName": "iPhone 14",
"platformVersion": "16",
"app": "${env:LT_APP_IOS}",
"project": "LambdaTest iOS Project",
"build": "Test LambdaTest Build",
"name": "Test LambdaTest Session",
"devicelog": true,
"network": true,
"visual": true,
"video": true,
"autoGrantPermissions": true,
"autoAcceptAlerts": true,
"isRealMobile": true,
"w3c": true
"api": {
"test_reqres": {
"base_uri": "",
"base_path": "/api",
"read_timeout": 2,
"write_timeout": 2,
"connection_timeout": 1,
"schema_path": "schema/",
"logging": {
"request": true,
"response": true
πͺ’ API Sample
Add your response schema JSON files at the directory mentioned in config under src/test/resources
-| /src
|__ /test
|__ /resources
|__ /schemas # This folder path mentioned in config file.
|__ create-user-schema.json
Here's how you can execute the API test and also verify its response.
import static com.github.wasiqb.boyka.actions.api.ApiActions.withRequest;
import static com.github.wasiqb.boyka.enums.PlatformType.API;
import static com.github.wasiqb.boyka.manager.ParallelSession.createSession;
import static com.github.wasiqb.boyka.manager.ParallelSession.clearSession;
. . .
// Create request body object
final User user = User.createUser ()
.name ("Wasiq")
.job ("Software Engineer")
.create ();
// Create API session.
createSession (API, "test_postman");
// Compose request
final ApiRequest request = ApiRequest.createRequest ()
.method (POST)
.path ("/users")
.bodyObject (user)
.create ();
// Execute request
final ApiResponse response = withRequest (request).execute ();
// Verify response status code
response.verifyStatusCode ()
.isEqualTo (201);
// Verify response schema
response.verifySchema ("create-user-schema.json");
// Verify response body
response.verifyTextField ("id")
.isNotNull ();
response.verifyTextField ("name")
.isEqualTo (user.getName ());
response.verifyTextField ("job")
.isEqualTo (user.getJob ());
response.verifyTextField ("createdAt")
.isNotNull ();
// Clear API session.
clearSession ();
π» Common Page Object for Web, Android and iOS
This is how you can create a common page object for all Web, Android and iOS.
import io.appium.java_client.AppiumBy;
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import lombok.Getter;
public class LoginPage {
private static final LoginPage LOGIN_PAGE = new LoginPage ();
public static LoginPage loginPage () {
return LOGIN_PAGE;
private final Locator loginButton = Locator.buildLocator ()
.web ( ("login-button"))
.android (AppiumBy.accessibilityId ("test-LOGIN"))
.ios (AppiumBy.accessibilityId ("test-LOGIN"))
.name ("Login Button")
.build ();
private final Locator password = Locator.buildLocator ()
.web ( ("password"))
.android (AppiumBy.accessibilityId ("test-Password"))
.ios (AppiumBy.accessibilityId ("test-Password"))
.name ("Password")
.build ();
private final Locator username = Locator.buildLocator ()
.web ( ("user-name"))
.android (AppiumBy.accessibilityId ("test-Username"))
.ios (AppiumBy.accessibilityId ("test-Username"))
.name ("User Name")
.build ();
private LoginPage () {
// Avoid explicit class initialization.
β Common Test flow for Web, Android and iOS
This is how you can write common actions class for Web, Android and iOS together for the app which has similar flows on both the platforms.
import static com.github.wasiqb.boyka.actions.drivers.NavigateActions.navigate;
import static com.github.wasiqb.boyka.actions.drivers.WindowActions.onWindow;
import static com.github.wasiqb.boyka.actions.elements.ElementActions.onElement;
import static com.github.wasiqb.boyka.actions.elements.FingerActions.withFinger;
import static com.github.wasiqb.boyka.actions.elements.TextBoxActions.onTextBox;
import static com.github.wasiqb.boyka.enums.PlatformType.WEB;
import static com.github.wasiqb.boyka.manager.ParallelSession.getSession;
import static com.github.wasiqb.boyka.testng.ui.saucedemo.pages.LoginPage.loginPage;
import static java.text.MessageFormat.format;
import com.github.wasiqb.boyka.enums.PlatformType;
public class SauceDemoActions {
private static final String URL = "";
private final PlatformType platformType;
public SauceDemoActions () {
this.platformType = getSession ().getPlatformType ();
public void verifyLogin (final String userName, final String password) {
verifyNavigateToSite ();
onTextBox (loginPage ().getUsername ()).enterText (userName);
onTextBox (loginPage ().getPassword ()).enterText (password);
withMouse (loginPage ().getLoginButton ()).click ();
verifyLoggedIn ();
private void verifyNavigateToSite () {
if (this.platformType == WEB) {
navigate ().to (URL);
navigate ().verifyUrl ()
.startsWith (URL);
private void verifyLoggedIn () {
if (this.platformType == WEB) {
navigate ().verifyUrl ()
.isEqualTo (format ("{0}/inventory.html", URL));
onWindow ().verifyTitle ()
.isEqualTo ("Swag Labs");
onElement (homePage ().getMenuButton ()).verifyIsDisplayed ()
.isTrue ();
onElement (homePage ().getMenuButton ()).verifyIsEnabled ()
.isTrue ();
Now, you can use this actions class in your test as shown below:
package com.github.wasiqb.boyka.testng.ui.saucedemo;
import static com.github.wasiqb.boyka.actions.drivers.DriverActions.withDriver;
import static com.github.wasiqb.boyka.actions.drivers.WindowActions.onWindow;
import static com.github.wasiqb.boyka.manager.ParallelSession.clearSession;
import static com.github.wasiqb.boyka.manager.ParallelSession.createSession;
import static com.github.wasiqb.boyka.manager.ParallelSession.getSession;
import static;
import com.github.wasiqb.boyka.enums.PlatformType;
import com.github.wasiqb.boyka.testng.ui.saucedemo.actions.SauceDemoActions;
import org.testng.annotations.AfterClass;
import org.testng.annotations.AfterMethod;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass;
import org.testng.annotations.Parameters;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
public class SauceDemoTest {
private SauceDemoActions sauceDemo;
@AfterMethod (alwaysRun = true)
public void afterMethod () {
onWindow ().takeScreenshot ();
@BeforeClass (description = "Setup test class", alwaysRun = true)
@Parameters ({ "platformType", "driverKey" })
public void setupTestClass (final PlatformType platformType, final String driverKey) {
createSession ("Unique User Persona", platformType, driverKey);
this.sauceDemo = new SauceDemoActions ();
@AfterClass (description = "Tear down test class", alwaysRun = true)
public void tearDownTestClass () {
withDriver ().saveLogs ();
clearSession ();
@Test (description = "Test login functionality")
public void testLogin () {
this.sauceDemo.verifyLogin ("standard_user", "secret_sauce");
- API:
- UI:
Big thanks to the following organizations for their support to the project with their open source licenses:
Check out our road map to know which features we are cooking,
These are our awesome contributors:
Contributions are always welcome!
Check out
for ways to get started.
Please read the Code of Conduct
Distributed under MIT License.
- Join our Discord server to discuss anything about the framework
- Open a new Discussion on GitHub to ask questions or to discuss ideas
- Connect with me on my LinkFree links