This app is a Hangman game in which the user have to guess a word before a man be hanged. This app was developed to practice the basics of TypeScript.
- Set random word by theme
- Shows each member of the man as the user guesses a wrong letter in the word
- Show final message at the end of the game informing whether the user has won or not
- Show visual feedback on keyboard
- Allow the user to restart the game whenever he wants
- Listen to both click and key press events
This app was developed using the following technologies:
✔️ ReactJs
✔️ TypeScript
You will need a package manager like npm or yarn to run the application.
# Clone this repo
$ git clone
# Access the app's folder
$ cd hangman-game
# Install the dependecies
$ npm install or yarn add
# Run the app in development mode
$ npm run dev or yarn dev
# The app will probably runnig on http://localhost:5173
This app was deployed by Vercel. This means you can access the running app by accessing this link.
# Fork this repo
$ git clone
# Create a branch with your feature;
$ git checkout -b my-feature
# Commit your changes:
$ git commit -m 'feat: My new feature'
# Push to your branch:
$ git push origin my-feature
You also can open a new issue report. It will be an honor to be able to help you and improve this application as well.
This app is under MIT lincese. See the License file for more details.
Made with 💜 by John Petros 👋🏻