This is a repository meant to help developers who would like to have a quick starting point for developing applications for the Oculus Quest 2 VR headset.
- Install Unity 2020.3.0f1 (LTS) from the Unity Hub
- Remember to check the "Android Build Support" checkbox under Platforms
- Download this repo as a ZIP file
- Extract the ZIP file on your computer
- Add the folder as a project in Unity Hub
- Open the project by clicking on it in the Unity Hub
- Wait for Unity to load the project
- Go to Build Settings and select Android
- Select "ASTC" in the Texture Compression dropdown
- Check the "Development Build" checkbox
- Click the "Switch Platform" button
- Wait for Unity to finish re-compressing textures (this takes a while)
- Start working on your project
- Oculus Unity Guide:
- Free items on the Unity Asset Store -