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--=[ PrEsENtZ ]=--

--=[ AwS CLouD NeTWoRkiNg SuiTE 3000 ]=--

--=[ #StayUp ]=--

NEW Centralized Egress Dual Stack Full Mesh Trio!

Centralized Egress Dual Stack Full Mesh Trio Demo

  • Compose a Centralized IPv4 Egress and Decentralized IPv6 Egress within a Dual Stack Full Mesh Topology across 3 regions using Tiered VPC-NG (at v1.0.5), Centralized Router (at v1.0.5) and Full Mesh Trio (at v1.0.1) modules.
  • Includes an VPC peering examples within a full mesh configuration used high traffic workloads to save on cost using the VPC Peering Deluxe module (at v1.0.1).
  • Requires IPAM Pools for IPv4 and IPv6 cidrs.
  • Validate mesh connectivity with Route Anlyzer.

Dual Stack Full Mesh Trio!

Dual Stack Full Mesh Trio Demo

  • Compose a dual stack Full Mesh Transit Gateway across 3 regions using Tiered VPC-NG (at v1.0.5), Centralized Router (at v1.0.5) and Full Mesh Trio (at v1.0.1) modules.
  • Includes an VPC peering examples within a full mesh configuration used high traffic workloads to save on cost using the VPC Peering Deluxe module (at v1.0.1).
  • Requires IPAM Pools for IPv4 and IPv6 cidrs.
  • Validate connectivity with Route Anlyzer.

Dual Stack TNT Architecture!

Dual Stack Terraform Networking Trifecta Demo

  • Compose a dual stack hub and spoke Transit Gateway using Tiered VPC-NG (at v1.0.5) and Centralized Router (at v1.0.5) modules.
  • Requires IPAM Pools for IPv4 and IPv6 cidrs.
  • Validate connectivity with EC2 instances.

TNT Architecture!

Terraform Networking Trifecta Demo

  • Compose a hub and spoke Transit Gateway using Tiered VPC-NG (at v1.0.1) and Centralized Router (at v1.0.1) modules.
  • IPv4 only (no IPAM).
  • Validate connectivity with EC2 instances.

Super Router!

Super Router Demo

  • Compose a decentralized hub and spoke Transit Gateway using Tiered VPC-NG (at v1.0.1), Centralized Router (at v1.0.1), and Super Router (at v1.0.0) modules.
  • IPv4 only (no IPAM).
  • Validate connectivity with AWS Route Analyzer.

Full Mesh Trio!

Full Mesh Trio Demo

  • Compose a Full Mesh Transit Gateway across 3 regions using Tiered VPC-NG (at v1.0.1), Centralized Router (at v1.0.1) and Full Mesh Trio (at v1.0.0) modules.
  • Includes an VPC peering examples within a full mesh configuration for high traffic workloads to save on cost for intra-region using the VPC Peering Deluxe module (at v1.0.0).
  • IPv4 only (no IPAM).
  • Validate connectivity with AWS Route Analyzer.

Mega Mesh!

Mega Mesh Demo

  • Compose a Full Mesh Transit Gateway across 10 regions using Tiered VPC-NG (at v1.0.1), Centralized Router (at v1.0.1) and Mega Mesh (at v1.0.0) modules.
  • IPv4 only (no IPAM).
  • Validate connectivity with AWS Route Analyzer.
