This is a Quarto ( template that assists you in creating a University of Ottawa thesis. You can fork or download the repository to get started but the recommended way is simply to use the quarto function within R or the system shell to install and use the template
# You might need the development version of the quarto R package that you can install with
or in a terminal
quarto use template juliengamartin/quarto-bio-uo-thesis
The template can generate a pdf document as well as an associated website to be hosted on github
Edit and add files as necessary see folder structure below
* indicates files with thesis content (i.e. to modify and rename as you see fit)
+ indicates files to modify for your thesis but do NOT rename (needed by quarto)
├── * App-A.qmd <- first appendix
├── * App-B.qmd <- second appendix
├── * chap_1.qmd <- first chapter
├── * chap_2.qmd <- second chapter
├── * conclusion.qmd <- conclusion
├── *+ index.qmd <- thesis front matter
├── * introduction.qmd <- introduction
├── LICENSE <- License file for sharing
├── + _quarto.yml <- specifying project building /rendering with quarto
├── <- github description how to use
├── * references.qmd <- references chapter
├── biblio <- folder for biblio
│ ├── american-statistical-association.csl <- biblio style
│ ├── * packages.bib <- bib files of references (generated by grateful)
│ ├── quarto.bib <- bib files with quarto reference
│ └── * thesisrefs.bib <- bib files of references
├── data <- folder for data used in thesis
│ └── sales.csv <- example data
├── examples <- folder with example (can be removed)
│ └── template.pdf <- example in pdf
├── figures <- folder for figures/images
│ └── cover.png <- example cover image
└── _extensions <- folder with template info (don't modify or at your own risks)
└── juliengamartin
└── bio-uo-thesis
├── before-title.tex
├── end_frontmatter.tex
├── _extension.yml
├── thesis.scss
├── title.tex
├── toc.tex
├── uOttawa-crop-large.png
└── uOttawa-crop.png
Here is the source code for a minimal sample document: template.qmd with the generated pdf output and the website