You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 388
Debug Tips
- JSONViewer
- Github Wiki Search
- Vim in TextArea with ctrl+enter - write more wiki!
- strace
strace -p <pid> -e trace=network
- lsof
lsof -p <pid>
- tcpdump
tcpdump -nei any port <portnum> -A -s 1500
- contrail-logs to gather details when UI access is not possible
- To view xml output with indentation
curl -sq http://localhost:8085/Snh_ItfReq? | python -c 'import sys;import xml.dom.minidom;s=sys.stdin.read();print xml.dom.minidom.parseString(s).toprettyxml()' | less
- To locate particular stanza based on child value
- (for e.g. interface stanza based on name of vhost0, port uuid or vm uuid)
(export KEY=name VAL=vhost0; curl -s -q http://localhost:8085/Snh_ItfReq? | python -c 'import sys, os;from lxml import etree as et;s=sys.stdin.read();root=et.fromstring(s); print et.tostring(root.xpath(".//%s[text()=\"%s\"]/.." %(os.environ["KEY"], os.environ["VAL"]))[0], pretty_print=True)')
(export KEY=uuid VAL=29ec90f1-c637-4cc8-8edb-125ce3dcc0f9; curl -s -q http://localhost:8085/Snh_ItfReq? | python -c 'import sys, os;from lxml import etree as et;s=sys.stdin.read();root=et.fromstring(s); print et.tostring(root.xpath(".//%s[text()=\"%s\"]/.." %(os.environ["KEY"], os.environ["VAL"]))[0], pretty_print=True)')
(export KEY=vm_uuid VAL=a607ec69-95e9-4f8a-9d29-f6632e66fd76; curl -s -q http://localhost:8085/Snh_ItfReq? | python -c 'import sys, os;from lxml import etree as et;s=sys.stdin.read();root=et.fromstring(s); print et.tostring(root.xpath(".//%s[text()=\"%s\"]/.." %(os.environ["KEY"], os.environ["VAL"]))[0], pretty_print=True)')
Find which computes service monitor has spun up haproxy instances on:
You can use access the VRouter management webpage on port 8085
Here is some useful webpages.
You can use this script
ubuntu@contrail-01:~$ python cas.py virtual-network
default-domain:default-project:__link_local__ 3e072e3c-59a9-402e-b61f-3697b81a7274
default-domain:default-project:default-virtual-network 3795cb36-1338-4292-936a-5541fbd06ee6
default-domain:default-project:ip-fabric 8adc0fdd-674f-44cd-ac1b-87854dd0ec87
default-domain:demo:right 6884a3b2-cfbe-4fff-88bb-52ef36146e0e
Check ip for clients
curl "http://node_ip:5998/clients.json" | python -mjson.tool
Api Server
Schema Transformer
Replace localhost with IP of your controller.
Replace vn1 in the search_string with the name (or part of the name) of the problem node
curl localhost:8083/Snh_IFMapTableShowReq?table_name=&search_string=vn1
Replace vn1 in the search_string with the name (or part of the name) of the problem link
curl localhost:8083/Snh_IFMapLinkTableShowReq?search_string=vn1
Replace localhost with IP of your controller
curl localhost:8083/Snh_IFMapPeerServerInfoReq?
curl localhost:8083/Snh_IFMapServerClientShowReq?
curl localhost:8083/Snh_IFMapXmppClientInfoShowReq?
curl localhost:8083/Snh_IFMapUpdateQueueShowReq?
curl localhost:8083/Snh_IFMapXmppShowReq?
curl localhost:8083/Snh_IFMapNodeToUuidMappingReq?
curl localhost:8083/Snh_IFMapUuidToNodeMappingReq?
curl localhost:8083/Snh_IFMapPendingVmRegReq?
If RBAC is enabled, Auth Token needs to be passed with the Curl commands. To disable, the authentication, change the value of aaa_mode attribute in /etc/contrail/contrail-analytics-api.conf to no-auth