Script to automatically setup a local grid control task for a given McM request
Setup a new workdir with
python --keys example
must contain a list of keys from request_config.yaml
. In this configuration file, the parameters needed for the setup have to be specified.
requestID : "HIG-RunIISummer16NanoAODv5-00031" # the string of the McM request
label : "GluGluH_NanoAOD" # label used for personal bookkeeping
inputFiles : "" # specified input files, either path to a filelist or a dbs entry
workdir : "workdir_nano" # path to the desired workdir
output_path : "srm://" # path to the desired output location. This path should be given in correct grid control syntax
batchSystem : "freiburg" # batch system option: currently available: freiburg
total_events : 100000 # total number of events in the task. If an input file is speficied, the whole file will be processed instead
eventsPerJob : 1000 # number of events per job
cpus_per_job: 4 # number of cores/threads which should be used by CMSSW to (default if not set = "1")
accounting_group: "cms.production" # which condor accounting group should be used (default if not set = "cms.higgs")
This will setup a working CMSSW repo, a python config and a grid control config. In the progress of setting up a new workdir more infos of how to proceed are presented.