This package collects the configs (cmsRun, gridcontrol, inputs dbs files) for embedding, such that one can start a large scale production
Code Portation:
- UL2016preVFP
- UL2016postVFP
- UL2017
- UL2018
Additional features needed
- Fiellist creation for completed Embedding Datasets
- Dataset Publication
- Integrate Dataset Publication into the main script
- Extention to other computer infrastructures than KIT
The setup is done automatically, using the
usage: [-h] [--workdir WORKDIR] --era {2017,2018}
[--final-state {MuTau,ElTau,ElMu,TauTau,MuEmb,ElEmb}]
[--run RUN [RUN ...]] --mode
{preselection,full,nanoaod} --task
[--backend {etp,naf,lxplus}]
[--custom-configdir CUSTOM_CONFIGDIR] [--mc]
Setup Grid Control for Embedding Production
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--workdir WORKDIR path to the workdir
--era {2017,2018} Era used for the production
--final-state {MuTau,ElTau,ElMu,TauTau,MuEmb,ElEmb}
Name the final state you want to process
--run RUN [RUN ...] Name or list of the runs you want to process, use all
to process all runs of an era
--mode {preselection,full,nanoaod}
Select preselection mode, full embedding mode or
nanoaod mode
--task {setup_cmssw,upload_tarballs,setup_jobs,run_production,create_filelist,publish_dataset}
Different commands that are possible
--backend {etp,naf,lxplus}
Select the condor backend that is used.
--custom-configdir CUSTOM_CONFIGDIR
If this is set, use the configdir from the given
--mc If this is set, mc embedding is run instead of data
--no_tmux If this is set, no tmux is used to run the jobs
Install the framework using
git clone --recursive
The large part of the embedding specific configuration settings can be found in scripts/ul_config.yaml
For the preselection, only a single CMSSW version is needed. The version can be installed using
python3 --mode preselection --era 2018 --task setup_cmssw --run all
then, the different preselection tasks for all runs in a single era can be setup using
python3 --mode preselection --era 2018 --task setup_jobs --workdir /path/to/workdir --run all
or a single run can be specified by using the name of the run instead of all
. If a space sepatated list of Runs is provided, those Runs will be processed. The workdir is the folder, that grid-control will use to keep track of the different jobs and store the respective job logfiles.
The Production of the preselection can be started using
python3 --mode preselection --era 2018 --task run_production --run all
This will automatically start the fitting grid control tasks.
After successful completion of the preselection task, the output filelist can be generated using
python3 --mode preselection --era 2018 --task create_filelist --run all
For the full campaign, two CMSSW versions are needed. They are setup using
python3 --mode full --era 2018 --task setup_cmssw --final-state $FINALSTATENAME
The possible Final State names are:
FINALSTATENAME = ["MuTau", "ElTau", "ElMu", "TauTau", "MuEmb", "ElEmb"]
After this setup, the two tarballs containing the CMSSW code are generated and uploaded to the grid storage using
python3 --mode full --era 2018 --task upload_tarballs --final-state $FINALSTATENAME
Job setup is done using
python3 --mode full --era 2018 --task setup_jobs --final-state $FINALSTATENAME --run all --workdir /path/to/workdir
for all runs of an era or by specified the name of the run instead of using all
The Production of a full campaign can be started using
python3 --mode full --era 2018 --task run_production --run all --final-state $FINALSTATENAME
This will automatically start the fitting grid control tasks.
Collecting the output files into a file list is done using
python3 --mode full --era 2018 --run all --workdir /path/to/workdir --task create-filelist --final-state $FINALSTATENAME
For this step, it is nessessary to use a different environment, the script will say if a different environment is needed.
for older campaign, use the rereco