Exports AD OUs and GPOs to a Visio Map
Editor : Kyle Schuler
Fork of : https://github.com/tcox8/Export-ActiveDirectoryVisioMap
- RSAT tools for Active Directory and GPO.
- VisioAutomation - https://github.com/saveenr/VisioAutomation (this module is imported in the script but I wanted to give mention to Saveenr and all his hard work).
- A working copy of Visio installed.
- Active Directory Visio Stencil (Possibly, need to look into this)
All shapes in visio will have details in the Shape Data
Ver 1.0 - Initial release
Ver 1.1 - Fixed Visio Cmdlet Parameters, Adjusted for Azure AD joined devices, Fixed issue with importing Visio module, Reduced output to console
Ver 1.2 - Refactored, reformatted, added outputs and more error handling
Ver 1.3 - Added options for user to include or exclude GPOs, and choose the direction of the layout
Visio AD Stencil not autoloading properly or not loading if not installed