Moordale Secondary School is a location on the Netflix series. I took this as my inspiration and created this responsive website 😁.
This is a fully functioning website with database connection. I like to keep the theme more like old fashioned aesthetic hope you like it.
The language used - for front-end HTML,CSS,javascript,jsp. and for the back-end, I used java,xml and SQL for the database.
Software used Java Development Kit and MySQL and Apache-tomcat
Here is a preview of the HomePage:
Here is a preview of the Course Page:
Here is a preview of the Login Page:
Here is a preview of the Gallery Page:
Here is a preview of the Staff Page:
Here is a contact section "Footer":
Fonts: Fonts used for heading - Libre Baskerville, serif. Fonts used for paragraph -'Lucida Sans', 'Lucida Sans Regular', 'Lucida Grande', 'Lucida Sans Unicode', Geneva, Verdana, sans-serif. Fonts used for the menu - Libre Franklin, sans-serif;
Thanks reading✌