This software should be used in combined with my another project : EventDrivenClient and the link is: This project simulate the third party software that communicate with the Client. This is a simulator and test tool.
The builds of this project is set to its inner path by default : SmurfOnAvalonia\SMURF-Ava\SmurfPublished Select the path: SmurfPublished\SMURF_Ava\bin and run the SMURF-Ava.exe
After the software initialized, you may see the following features:
you will have to paste the "bin" path of the integration.exe of the EventDrivenClient project. Since this is just a simulator, it is not required for a solid account, you may type anything inside the account box and password box.
After that, click a command that is able to invoke the EventDrivenClient, that includes LoginLaunch, verticalLogin, Login commands.
Like the navigation information on the top of the software, you will receive your response in the third right panel.