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A Laravel 5.4 & AngularJS example of creating, saving and displaying multiple profiles

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Multiple Profiles Managing

A Laravel 5.4 & AngularJS example of creating, saving and displaying multiple profiles.

Starting Screen

Form validation

Starting Screen

Step by Step

Note: when downloading this example, make sure first of all to run the following command line, in order to generate the autoload files.

      $ composer update --no-scripts

1- Configuring local development environment

- Installing a local server:

-WAMP: Windows,
-LAMP: Linux,
-XAMPP: Windows, Linux, OSx

- Server requirements:

make sure all necessary extensions for Laravel are installed.

The server requirements can be found in the official documentation of Laravel 5.4

- Install Composer:

$ sudo apt-get update
$ curl -sS | php
$ sudo mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer
$ sudo chmod +X /usr/local/bin/composer

2- Creating a new Laravel project and developing the server side

- Install Laravel and start new project:

$ cd /var/www/html
$ composer create-project laravel/laravel --prefer-dist multipleProfilesManaging 5.4
$ cd multipleProfilesManaging
$ php artisan serve

-> The laravel project served on http://localhost:8000

- Create and configure the database:

  • From the PhpMyAdmin dashboard we need to create new database profiles

  • Edit .env file and remove .env.example file:


  • Edit the users table file which is located under database/migrations folder:

      public function up()
          Schema::create('users', function (Blueprint $table) {

From the CLI migrate the local configuration to the development server using the following command

 $ php artisan migrate
  • Seed the users table by editing database/seeds/DatabaseSeeder.php

            public function run() {
                 $users = array(
                     ['uniqueID'=>uniqid(),'firstname'=>'Kaouther', 'lastname'=>'Mefteh', 'gender'=>'female', 'birthDate'=>'09/29/1992', 'country'=>'Tunisia', 'city'=>'Mahdia', 'email'=>'', 'mobile'=>'123456789'],
                     ['uniqueID'=>uniqid(),'firstname'=>'Tommie', 'lastname'=>'Seese', 'gender'=>'male', 'birthDate'=>'10/04/1990', 'country'=>'France', 'city'=>'Paris', 'email'=>'', 'mobile'=>'123456789'],
                     ['uniqueID'=>uniqid(),'firstname'=>'Daine', 'lastname'=>'Voorhies', 'gender'=>'male', 'birthDate'=>'10/21/1978', 'country'=>'New Zealand', 'city'=>'Wellington', 'email'=>'', 'mobile'=>'123456789'],
                     ['uniqueID'=>uniqid(),'firstname'=>'Lewis', 'lastname'=>'Tawney', 'gender'=>'male', 'birthDate'=>'02/04/1992', 'country'=>'United state', 'city'=>'New York', 'email'=>'', 'mobile'=>'123456789'],
                     ['uniqueID'=>uniqid(),'firstname'=>'Ling', 'lastname'=>'Craft', 'gender'=>'male', 'birthDate'=>'02/13/1971', 'country'=>'Russia', 'city'=>'Moscow', 'email'=>'', 'mobile'=>'123456789'],
                     ['uniqueID'=>uniqid(),'firstname'=>'Stephenie', 'lastname'=>'Noguera', 'gender'=>'female', 'birthDate'=>'12/29/1998', 'country'=>'Canada', 'city'=>'Ottawa', 'email'=>'', 'mobile'=>'123456789'],
                     ['uniqueID'=>uniqid(),'firstname'=>'Rodrigo', 'lastname'=>'Tulloch', 'gender'=>'male', 'birthDate'=>'01/26/1986', 'country'=>'Australia', 'city'=>'Canberra', 'email'=>'', 'mobile'=>'123456789'] ,
                 foreach($users as $user){
       $ php artisan db:seed

- Developing the server side functions:

First of all we need to make a small but very important change in the config/auth.php file in order to be able to use the laravel project as an API and not a web app:

       'default' => [
           'guard' => 'api',
           'passwords' => 'users',

Main functions of the server side are:

  1. creating a new Profile

        function saveForm(ProfileFormRequest $request) {
             $newProfile = $this->user->create([
                'uniqueID' => uniqid(),
                'firstname' => $request->get('firstname'),
                'lastname' => $request->get('lastname'),
                'gender' => $request->get('gender'),
                'birthDate' => $request->get('birthDate'),
                'country' => $request->get('country'),
                'city' => $request->get('city'),
                'email' => $request->get('email'),
                'mobile' => $request->get('mobile')
           if (!$newProfile) {
              return response()->json(['failed to create new profile'], 500);
            } else {
              return response()->json(['new profile was successfully created'], 200);
  2. retrieving all saved data from the server

        function getProfiles() {
          $users = User::all();
          return $users;

Configure the API routes in routes/api.php that will be used to call the previous functions

      Route::post('/saveForm', 'ProfilesController@saveForm');
      Route::post('/getProfiles', 'ProfilesController@getProfiles');

3- Creating the AngularJS project and developing the front-end

- create the AngularJS project and install the necessary dependencies:

      $ cd public
      $ mkdir AngularProject
      $ cd AngularProject
      $ mkdir css
      $ mkdir js
      $ mkdir templates
      $ npm install angular@1.5.11 angular-ui-router bootstrap@3 angular-material angular-animate@1.5.11 angular-aria@1.5.11 angular-messages@1.5.11 angular-smart-table angular-ui-bootstrap

note: The version of angular-animate, angular-aria and angular-messages must be the same version as angularjs!

- create the master.php file under resources/views

  • Add ng-app="ProfilesManaging" to html tag.

  • Add metas:

        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
  • Import css and js files:

                  <!--CSS files-->
                  <link href="AngularProject/node_modules/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
                  <link href="AngularProject/node_modules/angular-material/angular-material.css" rel="stylesheet">
                  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="AngularProject/css/main.css">
                  <!--JS files-->
                  <script src="AngularProject/node_modules/angular/angular.js"></script>
                  <script src=""></script>
                  <script src="AngularProject/node_modules/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
                  <script src="AngularProject/node_modules/angular-ui-router/release/angular-ui-router.js"></script>
                  <script src="AngularProject/node_modules/angular-aria/angular-aria.js"></script>
                  <script src="AngularProject/node_modules/angular-animate/angular-animate.js"></script>
                  <script src="AngularProject/node_modules/angular-material/angular-material.js"></script>
                  <script src="AngularProject/node_modules/angular-messages/angular-messages.js"></script>
                  <script src="AngularProject/node_modules/angular-smart-table/dist/smart-table.js"></script>
                  <script src="AngularProject/node_modules/angular-ui-bootstrap/dist/ui-bootstrap-tpls.js"></script>
                  <script src="AngularProject/js/app.js"></script>
                  <script src="AngularProject/js/FormController.js"></script>
                  <script src="AngularProject/js/ProfilesController.js"></script>
  • Add the ui-view tag

- create js/app.js file

  • Inject dependencies:

        	angular.module('ProfilesManaging', [
  • Configure routing:

      .config(function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider){
      		.state('form', {
      	          	url: '/form',
      			templateUrl: '/AngularProject/templates/form.html',
      			controller: 'FormController',
      			controllerAs: 'fm'
      		.state('profiles', {
      			url: '/profiles',
      			templateUrl: 'AngularProject/templates/profiles.html',
      			controller: 'ProfilesController',
      			controllerAs: 'pf'

- create templates/form.html and js/FormController.js

The main function of this controller is saving a new profile, if the form is validate a new profile will be created and the user will be redirected to profiles page.

	             method: 'POST',
	             url: 'api/saveForm',
	             data: "firstname="+$scope.user.firstname+"&lastname="+$scope.user.lastname+"&gender="
	         	headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}	    		
    		    $window.location.href = '/#/profiles';

Starting Screen

- create templates/profiles.html and js/ProfilesController.js

  • displaying all saved profiles by retrieving them from the server:

     $scope.getProfiles = function(){
         method: 'POST',
         url: '/api/getProfiles',
         headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}
         $scope.profiles = response;

Starting Screen

  • display each one of theme as a Modal

         .controller('ProfileCtrl', function ($scope, $uibModalInstance, user) {
          	$scope.user = user;
      $scope.openProfile = function (_user, size) {
          var modalInstance = ${
            animation: true,
            controller: "ProfileCtrl",
            templateUrl: 'profile.html',
            backdrop  : 'static',
            keyboard  : false,
            size: size,
              resolve: {
                  user: function()
                      return _user;

Starting Screen


A Laravel 5.4 & AngularJS example of creating, saving and displaying multiple profiles







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