Hello, I'm Klecianny Melo, a dedicated software engineer with a background in both frontend and backend development. Currently, I work as a full stack developer, where I prioritize the quality of my deliverables and constantly strive to provide the best solutions. My commitment to continuous improvement drives me to study and enhance my skills daily.
I am actively engaged in the tech community, learning from the experiences of my peers and sharing my own knowledge. I write a weekly article on various topics including career advice, soft skills, algorithms, and business insights.
In my studies, I focus on developing side projects and openly sharing my progress through a build-in-public approach. I firmly believe in the transformative power of education and the potential of technology to make the world a better place.
Additionally, I bring valuable lessons from my 10-year journey in the music industry, where I performed with various ensembles, including the orchestra of my hometown. These experiences have enriched my perspective and enhance my capabilities as a developer.
Let's connect and have a conversation?
I am a Food Engineer from UFAPE - Federal University of Agreste de Pernambuco. During my undergraduate studies, I had the opportunity to teach several subjects, the first of which was algorithms and computer programming, focusing on programming logic in C and Java. I recently specialized as a Full Stack Web Developer at Trybe.
I am currently a Mid Level Full Stack Developer at Eduzz 💛
🐓 Backend Rinha
: all the details about the first edition of the competition for backend developers;🔥 Treta Dev
: landing page of the renowned Bolha Dev repository;
My contribution to open source project are:
🦕 Matheus Fidelis Personal Blog
: i review articles about Kubernetes, AWS, Architecture, Terraform, Containers, System-Design and Cloud;🆘 sos-enchentes
: i improved the pop-up design by adding a closed icon;🐧 Frontend Rinha
: i organized the list of JSON files in ascending order according to size and added this information to the list;
I write 1 article per week, about various topics including career advice, soft skills, algorithms, and business insights.
👍🏾 +800 reactions;
📰 +20 articles.
Awarded with 2x "Top 7" and "8 Week Community Wellness Streak" badges.
- 📚 Pessoas desenvolvedoras precisam estudar todos os dias
- 🗣️ A importância da Comunicação para uma pessoa desenvolvedora
- 🏆 Breaking Records
- 🧩 O Poder das Tarefas: Como Pequenas Entregas Levam a Grandes Resultados
- 🧮 Divisible sum pairs
🎓 Mid Level Full Stack Developer - Eduzz (10/2023 - current)
⚡ Full Stack Developer - BR24 (05/2023 - 10/2023)
🏦 Software Engineer 1 - XP Inc. (09/2022 - 03/2023)
🎷 Saxophonist at the Manoel Rabelo Orchestra - Garanhuns City Hall (01/2017 - 12/2020)
💻 Full Stack Web Development - Trybe (10/2021 - 12/2022)
👩🏽🔬 Food Engineering - Federal University of Agreste de Pernambuco (01/2014 - 05/2021)