This component is written to parse Maniaplanet engine's produced GBX Map files and extract useful information from it. Note: this package requires a 64-bit PHP installation to function properly.
Just run $ composer require eslkem/gbx-parser
or add "eslkem/gbx-parser": "^1.0"
line to your composer.json file followed by a $ composer install
or $composer update
Using the package is straight forward: do not forget to include
require_once __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';
and use the following classes:
use ESLKem\GBXParser\Parser;
use ESLKem\GBXParser\Models\Map;
Sample usage:
$map = Parser::parse('./path/to/file.gbx');
echo $map->getName();
The full documentation is available here.
This package is tested using PHPUnit. To run the tests, simply execute $ ./vendor/bin/phpunit