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Serve HMP data using DADA2 and SILVA database.

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This package contains data analyzed using the DADA2 pipeline, derived from HMP data originally generated through pyrosequencing and OTU-based methods.



Input data

  1. HMP V1V3
  1. HMP V3V5


  • Tools
    • QIIME2(v2024.02)
    • DADA2(v1.32.0)
    • phyloseq(v1.48.0)
    • Greengenes2 Database(2022.10)

Output dataset

  1. V13p5
  • Using dada2-pyro plugin
  • Truncate the read length to 500 and remove 20 bp from the forward
  1. V13p4
  • Using dada2-pyro plugin
  • Truncate the read length to 450 and remove 20 bp from the forward
  1. V13s5
  • Using dada2-single plugin
  • Truncate the read length to 500 and remove 20 bp from the forward
  1. V13s4
  • Using dada2-single plugin
  • Truncate the read length to 450 and remove 20 bp from the forward



data(‘V13p5’) # dada2-pyro, trunc-length 500
data(‘V13p4’) # dada2-pyro, trunc-length 450
data(‘V13s5’) # dada2-single, trunc-length 500
data(‘V13s4’) # dada2-single, trunc-length 450
# phyloseq-class experiment-level object
# otu_table()   OTU Table:         [ 52283 taxa and 3530 samples ]
# sample_data() Sample Data:       [ 3530 samples by 36 sample variables ]
# tax_table()   Taxonomy Table:    [ 52283 taxa by 7 taxonomic ranks ]
# phy_tree()    Phylogenetic Tree: [ 52283 tips and 51732 internal nodes ]

# phyloseq-class experiment-level object
# otu_table()   OTU Table:         [ 26035 taxa and 3530 samples ]
# sample_data() Sample Data:       [ 3530 samples by 36 sample variables ]
# tax_table()   Taxonomy Table:    [ 26035 taxa by 7 taxonomic ranks ]
# phy_tree()    Phylogenetic Tree: [ 26035 tips and 25774 internal nodes ]

# phyloseq-class experiment-level object
# otu_table()   OTU Table:         [ 26754 taxa and 3530 samples ]
# sample_data() Sample Data:       [ 3530 samples by 36 sample variables ]
# tax_table()   Taxonomy Table:    [ 26754 taxa by 7 taxonomic ranks ]
# phy_tree()    Phylogenetic Tree: [ 26754 tips and 26612 internal nodes ]

# phyloseq-class experiment-level object
# otu_table()   OTU Table:         [ 53762 taxa and 3530 samples ]
# sample_data() Sample Data:       [ 3530 samples by 36 sample variables ]
# tax_table()   Taxonomy Table:    [ 53762 taxa by 7 taxonomic ranks ]
# phy_tree()    Phylogenetic Tree: [ 53762 tips and 53073 internal nodes ]

HMP35(not yes)


# Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
# 0.0   101.0   916.5  1385.1  1945.8 29071.0

# Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
# 0.0   945.5  3578.0  3779.7  5330.8 70684.0 

# Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
# 0.0   100.2   905.0  1362.7  1921.5 28891.0 

# Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
# 0     933    3549    3742    5285   70158 


1) Prepare dataset

(1) rearrange mapping file

  • In the V1V3 dataset, there are 10 multiplexed groups in 3,530 samples
  • mapping file save in /QIIME_preprocessing/Mapping_files/

(2) change .fna to .fasta

for file in *.fna; do # using root
    cp -- "$file" "${file%.fna}.fasta"

(3) Merge .fna + .qual to .fastq

# instapp biopython
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install biopython
pip install biopython –-upgrade


#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys

from Bio import SeqIO
from Bio.SeqIO.QualityIO import PairedFastaQualIterator

import argparse

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('fasta', help='Fasta file')
parser.add_argument('qual', help='Qual file')
args = parser.parse_args()

records = PairedFastaQualIterator(
for rec in records:
chmod +x

for file in $(ls | sed -E 's/\.[^/.]+$//' | sort | uniq); do  ../ \
./${file}.fna ./${file}.qual >  ../FASTQ/${file}.fastq ; done

check the number of samples

ls -al | grep ^- | wc -l

2) Demultiplexing

Make bash script for demultiplexing using QIIME2


# Check if at least one argument is passed
if [ "$#" -lt 1 ]; then
  echo "Usage: $0 <list_of_SRR_identifiers>"
  exit 1

# List of SRR identifiers from command-line arguments

# Loop through each identifier
for multi in $list; do
  # Create directory for each identifier
  mkdir -p ${multi}/

  # Copy fasta and qual files to the new directory
  cp ./Rawdata/fastaqual/${multi}.fasta ${multi}/
  cp ./Rawdata/fastaqual/${multi}.qual ${multi}/

  # Change to the new directory
  cd ${multi}

  # Rename fasta and qual files
  mv ${multi}.fasta reads.fasta
  mv ${multi}.qual reads.qual

  # Import qiime artifact
  qiime tools import \
    --type MultiplexedSingleEndBarcodeInSequence \
    --input-format MultiplexedFastaQualDirFmt \
    --input-path ./ \
    --output-path ${multi}_seqs.qza

  # Demultiplex the reads
  qiime cutadapt demux-single \
    --i-seqs ${multi}_seqs.qza \
    --m-barcodes-file ../mapping_files/HMPV13_qiime2_mapping_FINAL.txt \
    --m-barcodes-column barcode \
    --o-per-sample-sequences ${multi}_demultiplexed-seqs.qza \
    --o-untrimmed-sequences ${multi}_untrimmed.qza

  # Visualization
  qiime demux summarize \
    --i-data ${multi}_demultiplexed-seqs.qza \
    --o-visualization ${multi}_demultiplexed-seqs.qzv

  # Export the demultiplexed sequences
  qiime tools export \
    --input-path ${multi}_demultiplexed-seqs.qza \
    --output-path ${multi}_demultiplexed-seqs/

  # Return to the parent directory
  cd ..


Run script

chmod +x
./ SRR045723 SRR047558 SRR057663 SRR058087 SRR058088 SRR058091 SRR058094 SRR058097 SRR058107 SRR058115

3) Analysis in QIIME2 Env

import demultiplexed fastq.gz files to qiime2 artifact

  • manifest file save in /QIIME_preprocessing/
conda activate qiime2-amplicon-2024.02
qiime tools import   \
--type 'SampleData[SequencesWithQuality]'   \
--input-path ./mapping_files/HMPV13_qiime2_manifest_total.txt   \
--output-path single-end-demux.qza   \
--input-format SingleEndFastqManifestPhred33V2 

Adapter trimming

qiime cutadapt trim-single \
  --i-demultiplexed-sequences single-end-demux.qza \
  --p-error-rate 0 \
  --p-discard-untrimmed \
  --o-trimmed-sequences single-end-trimmed.qza \


qiime dada2 denoise-pyro \
  --i-demultiplexed-seqs single-end-trimmed.qza \
  --p-trunc-len 500 \#500 or 400
  --p-trim-left 20 \
  --output-dir dada2-out
# Assignment
qiime feature-classifier classify-sklearn \
  --i-classifier /data/Reference/16S/QIIME2/SILVA/138version/silva-138-99-full-length-nb-classifier.qza \
  --i-reads dada2-out/representative_sequences.qza \
  --o-classification dada2-out/taxonomy.qza
# Make phylogenetic tree 
qiime phylogeny align-to-tree-mafft-fasttree \
  --i-sequences dada2-out/representative_sequences.qza \
   --output-dir dada2-out/tree

4) QIIME2 to Phyloseq object


    metadata = "../input_V1V3_qiime/1927_20230202-080822.txt"
# phyloseq-class experiment-level object
# otu_table()   OTU Table:         [ 6237 taxa and 3530 samples ]
# sample_data() Sample Data:       [ 3530 samples by 36 sample variables ]
# tax_table()   Taxonomy Table:    [ 6237 taxa by 7 taxonomic ranks ]
# phy_tree()    Phylogenetic Tree: [ 6237 tips and 6204 internal nodes ]

5) Modify taxonomy

Filtering Unassigned, Chloroplast, Mitochondria, Archaea

physeq <- subset_taxa(physeq, Kingdom %in% "Bacteria" ) 
physeq <- subset_taxa(physeq, Order %!in%  "Chloroplast" ) 
physeq <- subset_taxa(physeq, Family %!in%  "Mitochondria") 

Modify taxonomy format

  • "NA", "_sp." to "_unclassified"
  • "uncultured" to "Genus_uncultured"
tax_clean <- function(TAX){ 
  # remove k_
  TAX.clean <- data.frame(row.names = row.names(TAX),
                          Kingdom = str_replace(TAX[,1], "d__",""),
                          Phylum = str_replace(TAX[,2], "p__",""),
                          Class = str_replace(TAX[,3], "c__",""),
                          Order = str_replace(TAX[,4], "o__",""),
                          Family = str_replace(TAX[,5], "f__",""),
                          Genus = str_replace(TAX[,6], "g__",""),
                          Species = str_replace(TAX[,7], "s__",""),
                          stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  # replace NA to "" and other things
  TAX.clean[TAX.clean=="-"] <- ""
  TAX.clean[] <- ""
  TAX.clean[TAX.clean == "NA"] <- ""
  # Spcies to Genus Species
  tax.clean <- TAX.clean
  for (i in 1:nrow(tax.clean)){
    if (tax.clean[i,7] != ""){
      tax.clean$Species[i] <- paste(# tax.clean$Genus[i], 
        tax.clean$Species[i]# , sep = " "
    } else if (tax.clean[i,2] == ""){
      kingdom <- paste(tax.clean[i,1], "unclassified",  sep = "_")
      tax.clean[i, 2:7] <- kingdom
    } else if (tax.clean[i,3] == ""){
      phylum <- paste(tax.clean[i,2], "unclassified", sep = "_")
      tax.clean[i, 3:7] <- phylum
    } else if (tax.clean[i,4] == ""){
      class <- paste(tax.clean[i,3], "unclassified", sep = "_")
      tax.clean[i, 4:7] <- class
    } else if (tax.clean[i,5] == ""){
      order <- paste(tax.clean[i,4], "unclassified", sep = "_")
      tax.clean[i, 5:7] <- order
    } else if (tax.clean[i,6] == ""){
      family <- paste(tax.clean[i,5], "unclassified",  sep = "_")
      tax.clean[i, 6:7] <- family
    } else if (tax.clean[i,7] == ""){
      tax.clean$Species[i] <- paste(tax.clean$Genus[i], "unclassified", sep = "_")

  tax.clean$Species <- gsub("*_sp.", "_unclassified", tax.clean$Species)
  tax.clean[tax.clean$Species %in% "uncultured_bacterium", "Species"] <- NA
  tax.clean[grepl("uncultured_", tax.clean$Species), "Species"] <- NA
  tax.clean[] <- ""
    tax.clean2 <- tax.clean
  for (i in 1:nrow(tax.clean2)){
    if (tax.clean2[i,7] != ""){
      tax.clean2$Species[i] <- paste(tax.clean2$Species[i])
    } else if (tax.clean2[i,2] == ""){
      kingdom <- paste(tax.clean2[i,1], "uncultured",  sep = "_")
      tax.clean2[i, 2:7] <- kingdom
    } else if (tax.clean2[i,3] == ""){
      phylum <- paste(tax.clean2[i,2], "uncultured", sep = "_")
      tax.clean2[i, 3:7] <- phylum
    } else if (tax.clean2[i,4] == ""){
      class <- paste(tax.clean2[i,3], "uncultured", sep = "_")
      tax.clean2[i, 4:7] <- class
    } else if (tax.clean2[i,5] == ""){
      order <- paste(tax.clean2[i,4], "uncultured", sep = "_")
      tax.clean2[i, 5:7] <- order
    } else if (tax.clean2[i,6] == ""){
      family <- paste(tax.clean2[i,5], "uncultured",  sep = "_")
      tax.clean2[i, 6:7] <- family
    } else if (tax.clean2[i,7] == ""){
      tax.clean2$Species[i] <- paste(tax.clean2$Genus[i], "uncultured", sep = "_")

tax <- data.frame(tax_table(physeq))
tax.c <- tax_clean(tax)
tax_table(physeq) <- tax_table(as.matrix(tax.c))


  • Gonzalez A, Navas-Molina JA, Kosciolek T, et al. Qiita: rapid, web-enabled microbiome meta-analysis. Nat Methods. 2018;15(10):796-798. doi:10.1038/s41592-018-0141-9
  • McMurdie PJ, Holmes S. phyloseq: an R package for reproducible interactive analysis and graphics of microbiome census data. PLoS One. 2013;8(4):e61217. Published 2013 Apr 22. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0061217
  • Bolyen E, Rideout JR, Dillon MR, et al. Reproducible, interactive, scalable and extensible microbiome data science using QIIME 2 [published correction appears in Nat Biotechnol. 2019 Sep;37(9):1091. doi: 10.1038/s41587-019-0252-6]. Nat Biotechnol. 2019;37(8):852-857. doi:10.1038/s41587-019-0209-9
  • Callahan BJ, McMurdie PJ, Rosen MJ, Han AW, Johnson AJ, Holmes SP. DADA2: High-resolution sample inference from Illumina amplicon data. Nat Methods. 2016;13(7):581-583. doi:10.1038/nmeth.3869


Serve HMP data using DADA2 and SILVA database.






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