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=== hRecipe Microformat ===
Contributors: draca
Donate link:
Tags: recipe, hrecipe, food
Requires at least: 4.0
Tested up to: 4.9.1
Stable tag: 0.4.1

Adds post type Recipe to support the hRecipe microformat

== Description ==

== Installation ==

Requires PHP v7.0.  Use of unset in classes was a bug fixed in v5.3.6.

Plugin makes use of wpautop handling!  Using plugins that change the handling could alter output from this plugin.

Assumes plugin can locate wp-admin directory by popping up the directory stack

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

== Screenshots ==

1. This screen shot description corresponds to screenshot-1.(png|jpg|jpeg|gif). Note that the screenshot is taken from
the directory of the stable readme.txt, so in this case, `/tags/4.3/screenshot-1.png` (or jpg, jpeg, gif)
2. This is the second screen shot

== Changelog ==

= 0.4.1 =
* FIX: Using WP version instead of plugin version for provided style and javascript files

= 0.4 =
* FIX: Correct Misc warnings and errors reported by PhpStorm
* FIX: Only display recipe meta fields if data is available
* FIX: create_function() is deprecated
* DISABLE: Recipe rating function unreliable

= 0.3.1 =
* FIX: Recipes displaying multiple times when searching
* FIX: DB load failure due to deprecation of split() in PHP7

= 0.1 =
* Initial version

== Upgrade Notice ==

= 0.4 =
You want this plugin to edit recipes in your blog!

== Design notes ==

= Available WP Shortcodes =

[hrecipe-microformat-category-list] : Generates list of Recipe Categories with URLs to each category page

= hRecipe Supported Fields =

This plugin is designed to follow the [ziplist]( extensions to

* hrecipe. required.  Container for recipe
	* fn. required. text. the name of the recipe.
	* recipeid. optional. 0 or 1. text or value-class-pattern. unique recipe ID [ziplist extension]
	* ingredient. required. 1 or more. text with optional valid (x)HTML markup.
		* value and type. optional. child of ingredient. [experimental]
		* comment. optional. text. child of ingredient. [ziplist extension]
	* yield. optional. 0 or 1. text.
	* instructions. required. text with optional valid (x)HTML markup.  paragraphs or lists of steps.
		* instruction. optional. 1 or more. text. child of instructions.
	* duration. optional. 0 or 1. text or value-class-pattern. Total time to make recipe.
	* preptime. optional. 0 or 1. text or value-class-pattern. Time for preparation step. [ziplist extension]
	* cooktime. optional. 0 or 1. text or value-class-pattern. Time for cooking portion of recipe. [ziplist extension]
	* photo. optional. 1 or more. using any element containing a URL, such as IMG. [experimental]
	* summary. optional. 0 or 1. text. [experimental]
	* author. optional. 1 or more. [experimental]
	* published. optional. 0 or 1. text or value-class-pattern [experimental]
	* nutrition. optional. 1 or more. [experimental]
	* tag. optional. 1 or more. [experimental]
	* category. optional. 0 or 1. text.  [ziplist extension]
	* difficulty. optional. 0 or 1. fractional value as defined in value-title of value-class-pattern [ziplist extension]
	* rating. optional. 0 or 1. fractional value as defined in value-title of value-class-pattern [ziplist extension]

= Autogenerated =

* Change free-form ingredient into value & type nomenclature
* Posts of Recipe type are tagged as 'hrecipe' class
* Post Title tagged with 'fn' class
* apply 'photo' class to recipe photos
* Use Post Author if Author not specified within text
* Published - Posting Date
* Calculate Nutrition based on ingredients
* Tag - Use post tags
* Rating - Based on feedback

= Add/Update Recipe =

New fields in Post screen:

* Yield
* Duration
* Prep Time
* Cook Time
* Difficulty


* Ingredient List
* Instructions  -- Mark or create a block of text with a header
* Instruction - Isolate sections of free-form text as recipe steps
* Summary
* Hint - Create an aside

= Recipe Template =

* Recipe Header
	* Recipe Title
	* Yield
	* Difficulty
	* Rating
	* Category
	* Duration
	* Prep Time
	* Cook Time
	* Published
	* Author
* Recipe Body
	* Post content with recipe markup
* Recipe Footer
	* Nutrition
	* Tags

= Validations =
Confirm microformat hierarchy
Confirm microformat requirements and restrictions adhered (e.g. only one author)


Wordpress Plugin: hrecipe microformat recipe manager







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