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Matus Backor edited this page Nov 25, 2019 · 6 revisions

Kentico Kontent Docs - Notifier


Notifier is a microservice responsible for sending notifications to the defined Microsoft Teams channels. It is used by other services of Kentico Kontent Docs (e.g Publisher and Samples Manager) for notifying about successful or failed run of caller microservice.



The service has a single EventGrid trigger.

The data of the event should have these properties:

  • mode - one of error or success
  • activityTitle - the value of activity title of the notification in the team's channel
  • text - the value of text of the notification in the team's channel

How it works

The service is triggered by an HTTP request sent to the service's endpoint. Notifier creates a notification for Microsoft Teams and sends it to the defined team channels. Environment variable Teams.NotificationUrls contains URLs of the teams to be notified concatenated with ;. The service is able to send notification about successful run (mode="succes") or failed run (mode="error").