Reproducible scripts for the manuscript Connecting Syncmers to FracMinHash: similarities and advantages
. The associated preprint will be added soon.
- Step1: environment setup
- Step2: download random genomes for comparison
- Step3: generate k-mer sketches and compare the performance of FMH and open syncmers
- Step4: generate figures based on comparison results
- Parameter explanation and output files
git clone
cd FMH_vs_syncmer_reproducible
conda create -n fmh_vs_syncmer
conda activate fmh_vs_syncmer
conda install -c conda-forge -c bioconda -c anaconda --file ./src/requirements.txt
mkdir -p demo
cd demo
# download GTDB taxonomy file
# get 20 brucella genomes
grep Brucella bac120_taxonomy_r214.tsv | shuf --random-source=<(yes 42) | head -20 | cut -f 1 | sed 's/.*_GC/GC/g' > rand_20_brucella_genome.txt
datasets download genome accession $(cat rand_20_brucella_genome.txt | tr "\n" "\t" )
mkdir -p brucella_genomes
find . -name "*.fna" | xargs -I{} mv {} ./brucella_genomes
rm -r ncbi_dataset*
readlink -f brucella_genomes/*.fna > filepath_20_brucella.txt
# get more genomes from randomly selected families
grep -oP '(?<=;f__)[^;]*(?=;)' bac120_taxonomy_r214.tsv | sort | uniq | sed '/[0-9]/d' > gtdb_family_list.txt
> rand_genome_list.txt
for random_family in $(cat gtdb_family_list.txt | shuf --random-source=<(yes 42) | head -50 ); do
grep ${random_family} bac120_taxonomy_r214.tsv | shuf --random-source=<(yes 42) | head -10 | cut -f 1 | sed 's/.*_GC/GC/g' >> rand_genome_list.txt
mkdir -p more_genomes_from_50_families
cd more_genomes_from_50_families
datasets download genome accession $(cat ../rand_genome_list.txt | tr "\n" "\t")
find . -name "*.fna" | xargs -I{} mv {} .
rm -r ncbi_dataset*
readlink -f *.fna > ../filepath_more_genomes_from_rand_50_families.txt
cd ..
# merge file paths together
cat filepath_20_brucella.txt filepath_more_genomes_from_rand_50_families.txt > file_paths.txt
The default parameters are k=20, s=11, c=10
and we will use shift value
from 1 to 5.
This step may run ~2h on a single-thread laptop, reducing input genomes (e.g. keep only the first 3 records) can make it much faster for testing purpose.
# assume we are in the demo folder now
# if want a faster test run, try:
# head -2 file_paths.txt > test_file.txt
python ../src/ -f file_paths.txt -k 20 -s 11 -a 10
We will obtain all results in the previous step, this is the last step and is for visulization.
# assume we are in the demo folder now
python ../src/
After running the steps above, you will have a list of output files in the demo
Parameter | Note |
-f | Input file with paths of all input genomes, one per line |
-k | k-mer length, default 20 |
-s | submer length, default 11 |
-a | fraction factor for FracMinHash, default 10. Please make sure k-s+1=a |
List of output files and contents from the main script.
Filename | Content |
compare_conservation_MOS_s11_mut0.05.csv | Multi-resolution estimation by MOS |
compare_conservation_regular_OS_s11_mut0.05.csv | Multi-resolution estimation by regular open syncmers |
compare_jici.csv | Estimation of Jaccard and containment index by OS and FMH |
conservation_change_by_shift_k20s11_mut0.01.csv | K-mer conservation status by FMH and OS |
coverage_change_by_shift_k20s11.csv | Genome coverage status by FMH and OS |
coverage_change_by_shift_k20s11.csv | Genome coverage status by FMH and OS |
distance_distribution_FMH_k20c10.csv | Frequency distribution of distances between adjacent k-mers in the genome for FMH and OS |
List of output figures.
Filename | Content |
Fig2_compression.png | Figure2: Open syncmer vs FracMinHash: compression ratio and k-mer conservation are consistent. |
Fig3_ji_est.png | Figure 3: The open syncmer sketch fits the MinHash algorithm. |
Fig4_dist_coverage_compare.png | Figure 4: Genome coverage and distance distribution |
Fig5_mos.png | Figure 5: Multi-resolution open syncmers are comparable to regular open syncmers |