그날 배운 것은 그날 정리해서 기록으로 남기는 것이 목표
June 2022
May 2022
- 220529 / Machine Learning with R
- 220526 / Machine Learning with R
- 220524 / Machine Learning with R
- 220523 / Machine Learning with R
- 220517 / R
- 220516 / R
- 220515 / Assignment(Prim's Algorithm, Kruskal's Algorithm, Dijkstra's shortes path Algorithm)
- 220510 / R
- 220509 / R
- 220508 / R
- 220507 / R
- 220506 / R
- 220504 / R
- 220503 / R
Apr 2022
Mar 2022
- 220327 / Python Clean Code
- 220325 / Python Clean Code
- 220323 / Data Analysis(Fast campus)
- 220321 / Python Clean Code
- 220320 / Python Clean Code
- 220319 / Python Clean Code
- 220316 / Python Clean Code
- 220314 / Python review(Class)
- 220313 / SQLite3, Python review(Class)
- 220312 / Java tutorial, Baekjoon
- 220311 / Java tutorial
- 220309 / Java tutorial
- 220308 / Java tutorial
- 220307 / Java tutorial
- 220306 / Java tutorial
- 220305 / Java tutorial
- 220304 / Java tutorial
- 220302 / Java tutorial
- 220301 / Clean code
Feb 2022
- 220228 / Clean code
- 220227 / Clean code
- 220226 / Clean code
- 220225 / RPA(Project)
- 220224 / RPA(Web Automation, Email Automation)
- 220223 / RPA(Web Automation)
- 220222 / RPA(Web Automation)
- 220221 / RPA(Desktop Automation)
- 220220 / RPA(Desktop Automation)
- 220219 / RPA(Excel Automation, Desktop Automation)
- 220218 / RPA(Excel Automation)
- 220217 / RPA(Excel Automation)
- 220216 / Deep Learning from Scratch(Deep learning, VGG, GoogLeNet, ResNet, R-CNN, FCN, NIC)
- 220215 / Deep Learning from Scratch(CNN, LeNet, AlexNet)
- 220214 / Deep Learning from Scratch(CNN, Convolution, Pooling)
- 220213 / Deep Learning from Scratch(Overfitting, Weight decay, Dropout, Hyperparameter optimization)
- 220212 / Deep Learning from Scratch(Batch Normalization)
- 220211 / Deep Learning from Scratch(Weight decay, Gradient vanishing, Weight initialization, Xavier, He)
- 220210 / Deep Learning from Scratch(Backpropagation, Gradient check, SGD, Momentum, AdaGrad, Adam)
- 220209 / Deep Learning from Scratch(Backpropagation, ReLU, Sigmoid, Affine, Softmax, CEE)
- 220208 / Deep Learning from Scratch(Backpropagation, Computational graph, Chain rule)
- 220207 / Deep Learning from Scratch(Neural Network, Learning algorithm)
- 220206 / Deep Learning from Scratch(Neural Network, Numerical differentiation, Gradient, Gradient method)
- 220205 / Deep Learning from Scratch(Neural Network, Training, Loss function, SSE, CEE)
- 220204 / Deep Learning from Scratch(Neural Network, Softmax function, MNIST, batch)
- 220203 / Deep Learning from Scratch(Neural Network, Step function, Sigmoid function, ReLU function, Matrix)
Jan 2022
- 220130 / Deep Learning from Scratch(Perceptron, Multi-layer Perceptron, Neural Network, Step_function)
- 220129 / Image processing(OpenCV - Project : Face Detection), Deep Learning from Scratch(matplotlib, Perceptron)
- 220128 / Image processing(OpenCV - Canny Edge Detection, Find and Draw Contours, Project : Face Detection)
- 220127 / Image processing(OpenCV - Image Thresholding, Dilation, Erosion, Opening, Closing)
- 220126 / Image processing(OpenCV - Flip, Rotate, BGR2GRAY, Gaussian Blur, Perspective, Mini Project : Scanner)
- 220124 / Image processing(OpenCV - Rectangle, Polygon, Text, Save file, Resize, Crop image)
- 220123 / Image processing(OpenCV - Show Image, Show Video, Draw Line, Circle)
- 220122 / Chat Bot(Rasa NLU)
- 220121 / Chat Bot(Rasa NLU)
- 220120 / Chat Bot(Dialogflow)
- 220119 / Chat Bot(Tokenization, Regular expressions)
- 220118 / Chat Bot(Named-Entity Recognition, Stop Words, Dependency Parsing, Noun Chunks, Finding Similarity)
- 220117 / Chat Bot(spaCy, POS Tagging, Stemming, Lemmatization)
- 220116 / Game Launcher, Chat Bot(Issues, Terms)
- 220115 / Racing Game(lap time, goal, finish)
- 220114 / Racing Game(add COM car, car crash)
- 220113 / Racing Game(draw road with curve and updown data, draw objects beside road, add player's car)
- 220112 / Racing Game(draw road - more realistic move, moving bg)
- 220111 / Racing Game(draw road - uphill, downhill, turn left, right)
- 220107 / Shooting Game(add se, more enemy, add boss, finish)
- 220106 / Shooting Game(add_shield, title, game play, game over)
- 220105 / Shooting Game(add enemy, enemy hit check and explode)
- 220104 / Shooting Game(scroll bg, fire bullets)
- 220103 / Map editor(click on label, export map data), Pygame(image, key event)
- 220102 / Map editor(Paint on Label)
Dec 2021
- 211231 / Dot-Eat Game(New enemy, More stage, Life, Ending)
- 211230 / Dot-Eat Game(Eat item, Enemy follow me, Draw title, Stage clear, Game over)
- 211229 / Dot-Eat Game
- 211228 / Meteor Game
- 211227 / Floor and Wall, Hit check, Trigonometric function
- 211226 / Walking dog
- 211224 / Block Game(Finish), Walking dog
- 211223 / Block Game
- 211222 / Block Game
- 211221 / Pygame(Finish RPG)
- 211220 / Pygame(battle turn, screen effect)
- 211219 / Pygame(walking around, battle start, battle message)
- 211218 / Pygame(maze_making, dugeon_making)
- 211217 / Pygame(shape, load image, key and mouse event)
- 211216 / Falling Bricks(Finish)
- 211215 / Falling Bricks(MousePressEvent, list and dict)
- 211214 / Falling Bricks(QThread, Signal, Slot)
- 211212 / maze making, falling brick(MouseEvent)
- 211211 / maze making(QPainter)
- 211210 / maze making(QPainter)
- 211209 / Real-time processing, keyPressedEvent
- 211208 / Mini Game Making
- 211207 / Using Riot Open API(match history searcher)
- 211206 / Using Riot Open API(match history searcher)
- 211203 / Using Riot Open API(match history searcher)
- 211202 / Using Riot Open API(match history searcher)
- 211201 / Using Riot Open API(match history searcher)
Nov 2021
- 211130 / Using Riot Open API(match history searcher)
- 211129 / Using Riot Open API(match history searcher)
- 211128 / Using Riot Open API(match history searcher)
- 211127 / Using Riot Open API(match history searcher)
- 211126 / Using Riot Open API(match history searcher)
- 211125 / Using Riot Open API(match history searcher)
- 211124 / Using Riot Open API(match history searcher)
- 211123 / Using Riot Open API(match history searcher)
- 211122 / Using Riot Open API(match history searcher)
- 211121 / Using Riot Open API(match history searcher)
- 211120 / Python A to Z(stdin, stdout, file i/o)
- 211119 / Python A to Z(abstract class, exception, warning, assert)
- 211118 / Python A to Z(decorator, Descriptor, property)
- 211117 / Python A to Z(polymorphism, iterable, interator)
- 211116 / Python A to Z(inheritance, Association, Aggregation, Composition, Dependency, Observer)
- 211115 / Python A to Z(chain, special method)
- 211113 / Python A to Z(meta class, life cycle, method)
- 211112 / Python A to Z(decorator, module)
- 211111 / Python A to Z(function, expression, function attr)
- 211110 / Python A to Z(set, dict, comprehension, recursive function)
- 211109 / Python A to Z(string class, array type, indexing, sorting)
- 211108 / Python A to Z(object class, module)
- 211107 / Python A to Z(class)
- 211105 / Python A to Z(parameter, class)
- 211104 / Python A to Z(conditions, function)
- 211103 / Python A to Z(line, docstring, comments, assignment, conditions, loop)
- 211102 / Python A to Z(variables, object, expression, type)
- 211101 / Review C(macros, storage class specifier)
Oct 2021
- 211031 / Review C(file io, bubble sort, quick sort)
- 211030 / Review C(function)
- 211029 / Review C(function)
- 211028 / Review C(convert data type, union)
- 211027 / Review C(struct)
- 211026 / Review C(string function)
- 211025 / Review C(pointer, string, array)
- 211024 / Review C(for, while, break, continue, goto, pointer)
- 211023 / Review C(variables, if, switch, operator)
- 211022 / Review C(comment, variable)
- 211021 / Over the Wire Writeup(Level30 ~ Level33)
- 211020 / Over the Wire Writeup(Level25 ~ Level29)
- 211019 / Over the Wire Writeup(Level23 ~ Level24)
- 211018 / Over the Wire Writeup(Level17 ~ Level22)
- 211017 / Over the Wire Writeup(Level11 ~ Level16)
- 211016 / Over the Wire Writeup(Level0 ~ Level10)
- 211015 / OpenCV Tutorial
- 211014 / OpenCV Tutorial
- 211013 / Finding Algorithm, OpenCV Tutorial
- 211012 / Machine Learning Tutorial(Temperature prediction)
- 211011 / Machine Learning Tutorial
- 211010 / Danawa Data analysis(Scatter plot)
- 211009 / Danawa Crawling
- 211008 / Map Visualization(Starbucks)
- 211007 / Web Crawling(Starbucks)
- 211006 / Wordcloud, Map Visualization(Kakao API), Word selection
- 211005 / Instagram Crawling, Regex
- 211004 / Data Analysis Tutorial
- 211003 / Web Crawling, Visualizing(plt.pie)
- 211002 / Git, Markdown, Web Crawling tutorial