Laboratories aimed at solving problems in the field of algebra and mathematical analysis, differential equations (simulations of dynamic systems), optimization or modeling using MATLAB software.
MATLAB environment m-scripts.
0) Simple algorithms.
1) Pi number calculations with use of different methods.
2) Fibonacci sequence and Pi number calculations with use of vectors calculus.
3) Matrix operations performence. Bertnard paradox.
4) Matlab functions performance (different functions for different problems).
5) Electrics calculations with use of structures and classes based on: [1], [2].
6) Usage of symbolic calculations tools.
7) Data and plotting (datafile is empty for some reason).
8) GUI application (made in group with big contribiution of one colleague).
9) Interpolation and aproximation methods (also NN).
10) Optimalizations part I (geometrical task cases).
11) Optimalizations part II (geometrical).