This is a library to connect your message to Microsoft Teams. Includes a data transformer to convert Ens.AlertRequest messages into a message structure that is captured by Teams via Webhook
Due to a need on the part of my company's development team to be able to receive error messages from an IRIS production directly in an MS Teams group, we developed some components to be able to convert error alerts into messages that are captured by MS Teams via Webhook.
You can configure the Webhook in your MS Teams account by following the instructions on the "How to create an incoming webhook" page
Use the command zpm "install iris-teams-adapter" to install direcly in your namespace
Make sure you have git and Docker desktop installed.
- Clone/git pull the repo into any local directory
git clone .\iris-teams-adapter
- Open the terminal in this directory and run:
$ docker-compose build
- Run the IRIS container with your project:
$ docker-compose up -d
Open the production http://localhost:52773/csp/user/EnsPortal.ProductionConfig.zen
User: superuser
Pass: SYS
Namespace: USER
Configure your Webhook in St.Teams.BO.Api.Teams
Webhook link:
**URL:** /webhookb2/40cc6704-1bc5-4f87-xxxx-xxxxxxxxf@5xxxxxa-643b-47a3-xxxxx-fc962cc7cdb2/IncomingWebhook/6f272d796f1844b8b0b57b61365f8961/2ff46079-ee4a-442b-a642-dc418f6c67ee
If you want to test, using the BPs in the demo production, select "Test" button and invoke testing service
Check in your teams group
For test RaiseError, select any Ens.Request, it doesn't need any entry.