Takes CSV files and converts them to json using a schema as a structure. This was primarily built to assist with wordpress -> strapi migrations but can migrate any CSV file to any JSON structure.
Give it a shot!
Run pymigrate.convert(migration_source_pathname, schema_pathname, middleware_pathname, delimiter, quotechar)
Run pymigrate.convertFiles(["sample", "customers", "products"], delimeter="|", quotechar=",")
Your converted file in json format will be generated and saved into /migrated/
[{"business_name": "Sample Business", "address": {"street": "123 Address st", "city": "San Diego", "state": "CA", "zip": "12312", "country": "United States"}}]
Put CSV files in /migration-sources/
ID|Title|Content|Excerpt|Date|"Post Type"|Permalink|URL|Title|Caption|Description|"Alt Text"|Featured|URL|"Store Categories"|_wpas_done_all|custom_page_title|laborator_meta_description|laborator_meta_keywords|laborator_meta_robots_index|laborator_meta_robots_follow|wpsl_address|wpsl_city|wpsl_state|wpsl_zip|wpsl_country|wpsl_country_iso|wpsl_lat|wpsl_lng|wpsl_phone|wpsl_url|_vc_post_settings|slide_template|wpsl_hours|wpsl_email|wpsl_address2|rs_page_bg_color|wpsl_fax|_wp_trash_meta_status|_wp_trash_meta_time|_wp_desired_post_slug|Status|"Author ID"|"Author Username"|"Author Email"|"Author First Name"|"Author Last Name"|Slug|Format|Template|Parent|"Parent Slug"|Order|"Comment Status"|"Ping Status"|"Post Modified Date"
1|"Sample Business"|||"2016-01-07 14:19:38"|wpsl_stores|||sample-business|||||||||||||"123 Address st"|"San Diego"|CA|12312|"United States"|US|00.00|00.00|555-123-1234||"a:2:{s:7:""vc_grid"";a:0:{}s:10:""vc_grid_id"";a:0:{}}"|default|"Monday: 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Tuesday: 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Wednesday: 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Thursday: 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Friday: 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Saturday: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Sunday: Closed
*Hours subject to change*"|""|||||||publish|1|user|user@user.com|User|Name|sample-business|||0|0|0|closed|closed|"2019-01-24 17:57:29"
Put JSON Schemas in /schemas/
"business_name": "{{ Title }}",
"address": {
"street": "{{ wpsl_address }}",
"city": "{{ wpsl_city }}",
"state": "{{ wpsl_state }}",
"zip": "{{ wpsl_zip }}",
"country": "{{ wpsl_country }}"
You can create functions that match column names to cast types or parse values into certain formats. If the module exists for the file and the column name exists as a function it will run on every iteration.
Put Middlewares in /middleware/
# from flask import current_app as app
# use above import to access app.logger for troubleshooting
# all function names should be in PascalCase
# ie column_name/key = sign uP
# function name = SignUp
def Title(value):
value = value.lower().title()
return value
Inside this repo is a docker-compose file that will launch a flask app locally for you to test the converter. I will turn this into a package eventually but it's still under development
Get this set up as a package without flask as a requirement
Please submit issues and PRs with feature additions! I will likely only update this for my own use until this gets a following.