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Example Configuration

L.E.R edited this page Dec 25, 2017 · 2 revisions

It's not exactly an example, but the one I personally use, just for reference.


" All of them, for testing purpose
let g:evervim_bundle_groups=[
            \ 'general',
            \ 'appearance',
            \ 'writing',
            \ 'youcompleteme',
            \ 'programming',
            \ 'python',
            \ 'javascript',
            \ 'typescript',
            \ 'html',
            \ 'misc',
            \ 'go',
            \ 'rust',
            \ 'cpp',
            \ 'lua',
            \ 'css',
            \ 'd',
            \ 'r',
            \ 'dart',
            \ 'elixir',
            \ 'fsharp',
            \ 'haskell',
            \ 'html',
            \ 'java',
            \ 'latex',
            \ 'matlab',
            \ 'php',
            \ 'ruby',
            \ 'scala',
            \ 'swift'
            \ ]

" Color Theme
" If it's beyond dusk, I use dark theme.
" Other wise, a lighter theme will be chosen.
let cur_hour = str2nr(strftime("%H", localtime()))
if cur_hour > 18 || cur_hour < 8
    let g:evervim_color_theme="dracula"
    let g:evervim_airline_theme="dracula"
    let g:evervim_color_theme="pencil"
    let g:evervim_airline_theme="pencil"
    let g:evervim_light_background=1

" Fonts
    let g:evervim_font="Knack NF"
    let g:evervim_font="FuraCode Nerd Font Mono"
let g:evervim_font_size = "15"

" Header constants for generating and updating the comment header
let g:header_field_author = 'LER0ever'
let g:header_field_author_email = ''

" Enable smooth scrolling
let g:evervim_smooth_scrolling = 1

" Hybrid Linenumber
let g:evervim_hybrid_linenumber = 1

" 80 Column Warning
" Shows a magenta line at column 81 only for those lines that exceeds 80
let g:evervim_80_column_warning = 1

" Rustup path for Racer-based completion
    let g:ycm_rust_src_path = "/home/everette/.rustup/toolchains/stable-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/rustlib/src/rust/src"

autocmd FileType markdown set conceallevel=0


For swapping Caps Lock and Escape

remove Lock = Caps_Lock
add Lock = Escape
keysym Caps_Lock = Escape
keysym Escape = Caps_Lock