- protocolreg - a golang library for registering custom url protocols cross platform.
- sqlc-joins-gen - a code generator to make relational queries easier for sqlc. similar to drizzle-orm's query api.
- drizzle-relations-generator - a CLI utility that allows you to generate drizzle
from foreign key references. - filesharing - a self-hosted website that allows you to share files with peers who can also access the website.
- midi-recorder-daemon - an application that automatically records and saves midi in the background. useful if you spontaneously improvise often.
- jsflags - the best typescript CLI flags parsing library.
- ax-distiller - converts websites to markdown using the accessibility tree.
- web-media-stream - a self-hosted website that allows you to share video/audio over the network via web-rtc.
- dead-simple-auth - a dead simple HTTP authenticator reverse proxy.
- diff-headers - a simple CLI utility to compare headers dumped from 2 HTTP requests, useful for web scraping.
- anipy-web - an ultra-minimal web interface for watching anime, based on anipy-cli.
- music-dlp - a wrapper CLI utility around yt-dlp that makes it more convenient to download music and add metadata to it.
- remixicon-cli - a CLI utility that makes it easy to import RemixIcon icons.
- capacitor-webview-controller - a capacitor.js plugin that allows for extended control over webviews.
- grpcboot - a golang library that makes it easier to set up
servers. - measure-detection - a music score measure detection model for typeset scores.
- bookmarklets - a collection of bookmarklets.
- MiniPrograms - small programs in python (Ascii Art from Image, Ascii Art Viewer, CPS Increaser).
- marionette - a golang package for manipulating the default browser cross platform.
- Flex-Timer - a web app that allows for multiple simultaneous timers.
- Drawabot - a program that draws an image exactly using the mouse, useful in games like gartic phone.
- Blender-Addons - blender addons (Add modifier, Swap vertex groups, Select vertex group by name).
- Chinese-Pinyin-Symbol-Macro - an autohotkey script that adds hotkeys for chinese pinyin symbols.
- jscomptime - a transpiler which adds compile time metaprogramming to javascript.
- research-toolkit - information extraction and LLM experiments.
- web-go - a golang rendering framework, similar to react, powered by wasm.
- fourier-image - generate equations that will trace an image.
- webproxy - proxy a website without using an HTTP proxy.
- permute - a python package for transforming recursive branching python functions into iterative C code.
- Gimkit-Strategizer - a gpu-accelerated utility that simulates different upgrade paths and strategies in the Gimkit game to find which is most effective.
- Equalizer - an attempt at implementing an equalizer.
- Curve-Tortoise - Draw bezier curves with python turtle.
- Fractle-Turtle - Draw fractals with python turtle.
- Go-3D - A 3D engine in Golang and SDL.
- Blastar Remastered - A remastered version of the blastar game.