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Official Go implementation of the Luniverse-PoA protocol


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Official golang implementation of the Luniverse-PoA protocol. Current version of Luniverse-PoA is a forked from go-ethereum v1.10.15. We would like to express best respect and gratitude to go-ethereum open source officials and many contributors.


Building Luniverse-PoA node executables, namely bootnode and geth, requires both a Go-Lang (version 1.20) and a C compiler. You can install them using your favorite package manager or source tarball.

For golang 1.20 in linux, you can use the following link.

For compiler suite in Ubuntu, you can use the following command. In other systems, you need to check your package manager.

sudo apt-get install -y build-essential

Once the dependencies are installed, move to root directory of repository then run

$ make all

To build only p2p node, run

$ make geth


Once you've completed a build step in previous section, several executables are created in the build/bin directory. Although several excutables are available as a result of make all, this guidance only focuses on following two main executables, namely geth and bootnode.

Command Description
geth Executable for p2p node. By default Luniverse-PoA consensus protocol is enabled instead of Ethash PoW. It provides JSON RPC endpoints exposed on top of HTTP, WebSocket and/or IPC transports.
bootnode Lightweight bootstrap node used to find neighbor nodes in same networks.

Running p2p nodes on your private network

Currently, we does not provide public testnet.

However, we have plan to provide public testnet to help anyone who want to test Luniverse-PoA protocol.

Here, it will be covered for beginner how to construct private network running Luniverse-PoA consensus. For the simplicity of explanation, our private network will be consist of three kinds of nodes each having different roles like follows:

  • bootnode x 1EA
  • miner node x 1EA
  • non-miner node x 1EA

Note: Here we will assumes that all nodes are located in the same network and reachable each other. For example, all nodes have assigned same subnet address range and any firewall or anti-virus software is not the case of consideration.

Prepare keystore for the authority of miner node

First, install keythereum nodejs module using npm.

$ npm install keythereum --save

Using following code snippet you can create keystore for the authority of your private network. And, resulted keystore is used to sign the block and cast vote to govern the membership of PoA network. Note that it is compatible with Go-Ethereum keystore format and naming convention.

const keythereum = require('keythereum');
const passphrase = 'changeit';

// Create private key
let dk = keythereum.create({ keyBytes: 32, ivBytes: 16 });

let options = {
  kdf: "scrypt",
  cipher: "aes-128-ctr",
  kdfparams: {
    dklen: 32,
    n: 262144,
    r: 8,
    p: 1

// Create keystore content
let keystore = keythereum.dump(passphrase, dk.privateKey, dk.salt, dk.iv, options);

// Export keystore content to file
let keystoreAbsPath = keythereum.exportToFile(keystore, './');


In Luniverse-PoA, especially for miner node, there are two configurable parameters need to be set correctly.

  • coinbase address: Beneficiary account for any block rewards or gas fee
  • signer address: Account who has authorized to sign and mint new block

You should know that coinbase address and signer address can be set independentely each other. Surely, it is possible to set those two addresses as same value, however it is recommended for miner node to set signer address value to account having long life. This is because once signer address is enrolled as authorized one in network, it is impossible to change signer address without the authority vote between miners. On the other hand, coinbase address is usually required to be updated frequently if needed according to the miner's willing.

Define genesis block

Luniverse-PoA protocol was designed to support two types of chain mode, namely main-chain mode and side-chain mode. And chain mode is configurable by setting the certain options in genesis.json file and specifying argument to geth executable.

Mode Description
side-chain In Luniverse-PoA protocol, side-chain can be thought as an utility chain consists of some consortium members who has the authority to sign and verify block. It provides some features like gas-free for high usability and short block time for low response time. As you can expect, most of DApp transactions are executed in side-chain. As a result of optimization in block consensus protocol, practically it does not fall in reorganizaiton circumstance. It has no competition for propagation of new block, so it guarantees relatively high performance. It also provides some configurations for security as an compensation for gas-free enabled mode.
main-chain In Luniverse-PoA protocol, main-chain can be thought as an value chain. Generally, there is one main-chain and many side-chains as a satellite chain aroud main-chain. And each side-chain is connected to main-chain logically via bridge. Here, bridge plays a role of relayer between two chains, namely main-chain and side-chain. According to the Two Chain Layered Architecture of Luniverse-PoA protocol, initially root level asset or value implemented by ERC20, ERC721, or any other means can be provisioned in main-chain. As time elapse and DApp users begins to be activated according to their crypto economy, asset or value in main-chain starts moving to side-chain or vice verse. Surely, asset or value in both chain can circulate inside itself. You shoud know that most of DApp transactions occur in side-chain layer, on the other hand most of value exchanges are occur in main-chain layer.

Following figure illustrates Two-Chain Layered Architecture of Luniverse-PoA.

Two-Chain Layered Architecture

We need a JSON file for genesis block of Luniverse-PoA network. Here is an example genesis.json file for side-chain mode. As you can see, it is almost same with Ethereum's genesis block except some fields.

  "config": {
    "chainId": 114175132,
    "homesteadBlock": 0,
    "eip150Block": 0, "eip155Block": 0,
    "eip158Block": 0,
    "byzantiumBlock": 0,
    "clique": {
      "period": 1,
      "epoch": 30000,
      "snapshot": 1024
    "gasFree": {
      "payer": "0x8302168bd5138c8d3e0a8f1a09cc71a985029f86",
      "receiver": "0x8302168bd5138c8d3e0a8f1a09cc71a985029f86",
      "observer": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
  "nonce": "0x0",
  "timestamp": "0x000000000001",
  "extraData": "0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003e90001003cfaee496ec55247ecc7bf5af31007c265b308a0335a8894fa6e38a7761ff0a09e71dfe87733fccd6308c3cb9d8bcb9e85551611f87ce03ddd266372250000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  "gasLimit": "64000000",
  "difficulty": "0x1",
  "mixHash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  "coinbase": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  "number": "0x0",
  "gasUsed": "0x0",
  "parentHash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  "alloc": {
    "0x8302168bd5138c8d3e0a8f1a09cc71a985029f86": {
        "balance": "20000000000000000000000"

You need to set some fields with your own value properly. Please refer following table for details.

Field Description
chainId Chain identifier. Set you own value. It should be positive number and you should know that some hardware wallet or wallet library does not support any number greater than 255 in terms of EIP155.
clique.period Block time in second unit. For example, 1 means that new block is minted around every one second.
gasFree.payer Gas fee payer account. If set, gas-free feature is enabled. Set an account address to pay the transaction fee for all transactions executed in the chain. In general, set gasFree.payer and together.
gasFree.receiver Gas fee collector account. If set, gas-free feature is enabled. Set an account address to receive transaction fees for all transactions executed in the chain. In general, set gasFree.payer and together. Currently not used.
extraData In genesis block definition, this field is used to specify the list of account addresses of who has the authority to create a block. Any authorities listed here are subject to change as authority votes are taken between miners.
alloc This field specifies the initial native coin balance or intial storage status value for a specific account.

In particular, to extend and control the behavior of consensus related operations in protocol level, Luniverse-PoA protocol redefined and expand the extraData field of clique implementation of go-ethereum. The format is as follows. The following is the definition of structure of extended extraData field.

Name Extra Seal Timestamp (ms) Proto Ver Proto Type Proto Length (bytes) Signer List Compact ECDSA Signature
Bytes 32 8 1 1 2 20 x N 65

To briefly explain the configuration of extraData field, let's decode the data from the genesis.json example according to the structure definition of it. Encoded value is given as follows:

"extraData": "0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003e90001003cfaee496ec55247ecc7bf5af31007c265b308a0335a8894fa6e38a7761ff0a09e71dfe87733fccd6308c3cb9d8bcb9e85551611f87ce03ddd266372250000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"

If you divide the string in hex according to the length of each field defined, it is as follows. 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000|00000000000003e9|00|01|003c|faee496ec55247ecc7bf5af31007c265b308a0335a8894fa6e38a7761ff0a09e71dfe87733fccd6308c3cb9d8bcb9e85551611f87ce03ddd26637225|0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

Here, you need to know that the value of the Proto-Length field representing the variable-length of following Protocol-Data in bytes is '0x003c' in hex representation, which means '60' bytes in length. And moreover note that the value of Proto-Type field is 0x01. In current version of Luniverse-PoA, three kind of Proto-Type values are available, namely 0x00, 0x01, and 0x02. Here, 0x01 of Proto-Type means that the following Protocol-Data represents a signer address list. If you recall that EOA address is 20 bytes length, you can know that three EOA addresses are consecutive in the following signer address list field.

The following table describes each component of extraData based on the example we've just decoded.

Field Bytes Description
Extra 32 Any extra data can be written this field.

Example: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Seal Timestamp (ms) 8 Timestamp in milliseconds unit when given block was sealed in miner side.

Example: 0x00000000000003e9
Proto-Ver 1 Extended protocol version. Now is it reserved, so always set to '00'.

Example: 0x00
Proto-Type 1 Extended protocol type. According to this value, structure of following two fields are determined.
Currently three values are available for this field, 0x00, 0x01, and 0x02.
For '0x00', it means that given block is normal block, so no extended data is considered.
For '0x01', it means that given block is epoch block, so entire signers are listed.
For '0x02', it means that given block is normal block but it also includes vote information too.

Example: 0x01
Proto-Length 2 The lenght of following Protocol-Data field in bytes.

Example: 0x003c
Proto-Data 20*N Any extended protocol data of arbitrary length. The actual structured data and total data length are determined by the preceeding Proto-Type and Proto-Length fields respectively.
The above example value represents a hexadecimal string of contiguous concatenation of the address values of three signers.

Example: 0xfaee496ec55247ecc7bf5af31007c265b308a033 + 0x5a8894fa6e38a7761ff0a09e71dfe87733fccd63 + 0x08c3cb9d8bcb9e85551611f87ce03ddd26637225
Compact ECDSA Signature 65 Miner's signature. Payload to signing operation is entire content of block header except this field.

Example: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

Please refer to the following figures for how the interpretation of Proto-Length and Proto-Data in extraData field may vary depending on the value of Proto-Type.

Definition of ExtraData field: 0x00 Definition of ExtraData field: 0x01 Definition of ExtraData field: 0x02

Finally, when defining your genesis block, the extraData field should be encoded to consist of the following:

  1. Proto-Type: Set to 0x01
  2. Proto-Data: Encoding to include the list of signers to be initially registered
  3. Proto-Length: Specifies the length of Proto-Data

Setup & Run Bootnode

The bootnode plays a role of provisioning server that helps to find out the connection information for neighbor nodes existing on the network when the p2p nodes of the network are executed. The boodnode and p2p node are equipped with UDP based neighbor discovery protocol.

  1. Install bootnode executable.
$ sudo cp /path/to/compiled/bootnode /usr/local/bin
  1. Create root directory for bootnode.
$ mkdir -p ~/bootnode/logs
$ cd ~/bootnode
  1. Generate key for bootnode.
$ bootnode -genkey bootnode.key
  1. Prepare some shell variables for option flags. In this example, to reduce the vulnerability to your private network, we will restrict the network address range to its subnet only and change the default service port(i.e., UDP 30303) to 30307. For this, start extracting ip address of bootnode host. Following shows some examples in AWS ubuntu running environment.
# ubuntu 16.04
$ export BOOTNODE_IP=$(ifconfig | grep -E 'eth0|ens' -A1 | grep 'inet addr' | awk '{ print $2 }' | awk -F':' '{ print $2 }')
# ubuntu 18.04
$ export BOOTNODE_IP=$(ifconfig | grep -E 'eth0|ens' -A1 | grep 'inet' | awk '{ print $2 }')

Then prepare CIDRs for your subnet.

$ export BOOTNODE_CIDRS=$(echo $ip | awk -F. '{printf "%s.%s.%s.0/24", $1, $2, $3}')
  1. Run boonode executable with flags.
$ nohup bootnode --netrestrict=$BOOTNODE_CIDRS -nat none -addr $BOOTNODE_IP:30307 -verbosity 9 -nodekey bootnode.key > logs/bootnode.log 2>&1 &
  1. Extract enode information. You should know that enode value obtained here will be used in running p2p node later.
$ grep '=enode' logs/bootnode.log | awk -F= '{print $2}'

Setup & Run Miner node

In Luniverse-PoA protocol, minor is a node that has the authority to create blocks in the network. This block creation authority can be proved by signing the block header contents using the privateKey held by the miner node when the block is created, and the rest of nodes in network that receives propagated block verifies the signature in extraData of block header. Espeically, authority list of nodes that can sign and propagate new blocks is always maintained in on-chain storage. Therefore, any block signed by a node that is not included in the authority list is never accepted. After all, to run a minor node, a privateKey value to sign the block header is required. To do this, we can use the --signer and --unlock options of the geth command to pass the signing EOA address of the miner and the passphrase value of the keystore file that protects the privateKey of the signing EOA.

  1. Install geth executable.
$ sudo cp /path/to/compiled/geth /usr/local/bin
  1. Create root directory for block data, logs, and your secret files.
$ mkdir -p ~/data/logs
$ cd ~/data
  1. Initialize p2p node.
$ geth --datadir ~/data init /path/to/your/genesis.json
  1. Copy keystore files for your authority and prepare protected secret file for passphrase of your keystore. You are creating your own private Luniverse-PoA network running in side-chain mode, so only keystore file for signer authority is sufficient. (c.f., For main-chain mode, additional beneficiary accout address is also required)
$ cp /path/to/your/keystore ~/data/keystore

Create any hidden file and write down your passphrase in it. Then execute chmod to protect it.

$ echo 'set_your_passphrase' > .passphrase
$ chmod 0400 .passphrase
  1. Prepare some shell variables for option flags. You need to set beneficiary address, signer address, and enode value of bootnode. For beneficiary address, you can just use gasFree.payer instead of it. For signer address, you must use account which will be assigned authority for this miner node. You can find signer address from keystore that you've created previous step.
$ export POA_BENEFICIARY=0x8302168bd5138c8d3e0a8f1a09cc71a985029f86
$ export POA_SIGNER_ADDR=0xfaee496ec55247ecc7bf5af31007c265b308a033
$ export POA_BOOTNODES=enode://d625da2dfaab064a080c39fda06426c6d27e92c1ef62fb71453283adb4b509dfe714df217e568fc5fb00fc1d70085802305bb4a2886f454f25bfe12768fe1c81@
  1. Run geth executable with flags.
$ nohup geth \
    --datadir=~/data \
    --networkid=12345 \
    --gasprice=5000 \
    --syncmode=full \
    --mine \
    --txpool.nolocals=true \
    --etherbase=$POA_BENEFICIARY \
    --signer=$SIGNER_ADDR \
    --unlock=$SIGNER_ADDR \
    --password=~/data/.passphrase \
    --bootnodes=$POA_BOOTNODES \
    --rpc --rpcaddr \
    --rpcapi='eth,web3,net' \
    --rpccorsdomain='*' \
    --rpcvhosts='*' \
    --ws \
    --wsorigins '*' \
    --wsaddr \
    --wsapi='eth,web3,net' \
    --vmodule=p2p=1 \
    >> ~/data/logs/geth.log \
    2>&1 &

Setup & Run Non-miner node

In the case of non-miner node, unlike the miner node, it is a node that does not participate in block generation and just plays a role of relaying and verifying a block. Since no block generation is performed, there is no need to pass a private key for signing EOA to run a non-miner node.

  1. Install geth executable.
$ sudo cp /path/to/compiled/geth /usr/local/bin
  1. Create root directory for block data and logs.
$ mkdir -p ~/data/logs
$ cd ~/data
  1. Initialize p2p node. You must use the same genesis.json file that was used in miner setup in previous section.
$ geth --datadir ~/data init /path/to/your/genesis.json
  1. Prepare some shell variables for option flags.
$ export POA_BOOTNODES=enode://b85380cd1eaf2f445383117c3899df26bc4ac297b5b84eef47f05ac78eca5258c40b3f6752f5f28b64471c8c980d56bcb18036536705ffd408a373560cb6a8ed@,enode://836d8e88a30707d33637506ad95a840a33fe8e1bccf289205242fabc15ac599868cadb646a9650e50945e689218edc95fc6b0acf455dcad5f6e9191ebffd6406@
  1. Run geth executable with flags.
$ nohup geth \
    --datadir=~/data \
    --networkid=12345 \
    --gasprice=5000 \
    --syncmode=full \
    --txpool.nolocals=true \
    --bootnodes=$POA_BOOTNODES  \
    --rpc --rpcaddr \
    --rpcapi='eth,web3,net' \
    --rpccorsdomain='*' \
    --rpcvhosts='*' \
    --ws \
    --wsorigins '*' \
    --wsaddr \
    --wsapi='eth,web3,net' \
    --vmodule=p2p=1 \
    >> ~/data/logs/geth.log \
    2>&1 &

Programatically interacting with p2p nodes

Developers or DApp can interact with Luniverse-PoA running miner or non-miner node through JSON-RPC APIs. As you can expect, using the JSON-RPC API is the same as go-ethereum.

The standard JSON-RPC API specifications supported by go-ethereum can be found at the following link:

Security consideration in RPC service

Followings are cited from official go-ethereum GitHub. It introduces general guidances about the security consideration in operating the p2p node exposing RPC service.

JSON-RPC APIs are exposed via HTTP, WebSockets and IPC (unix sockets on unix based platforms, and named pipes on Windows).

The IPC interface is enabled by default and exposes all the APIs supported by Geth, whereas the HTTP and WS interfaces need to manually be enabled and only expose a subset of APIs due to security reasons. These can be turned on/off and configured as you'd expect.

HTTP based JSON-RPC API options:

  • --rpc Enable the HTTP-RPC server
  • --rpcaddr HTTP-RPC server listening interface (default: "localhost")
  • --rpcport HTTP-RPC server listening port (default: 8545)
  • --rpcapi API's offered over the HTTP-RPC interface (default: "eth,net,web3")
  • --rpccorsdomain Comma separated list of domains from which to accept cross origin requests (browser enforced)
  • --ws Enable the WS-RPC server
  • --wsaddr WS-RPC server listening interface (default: "localhost")
  • --wsport WS-RPC server listening port (default: 8546)
  • --wsapi API's offered over the WS-RPC interface (default: "eth,net,web3")
  • --wsorigins Origins from which to accept websockets requests
  • --ipcdisable Disable the IPC-RPC server
  • --ipcapi API's offered over the IPC-RPC interface (default: "admin,debug,eth,miner,net,personal,shh,txpool,web3")
  • --ipcpath Filename for IPC socket/pipe within the datadir (explicit paths escape it)

You'll need to use your own programming environments' capabilities (libraries, tools, etc) to connect via HTTP, WS or IPC to a Geth node configured with the above flags and you'll need to speak JSON-RPC on all transports. You can reuse the same connection for multiple requests!

Note: Please understand the security implications of opening up an HTTP/WS based transport before doing so! Hackers on the internet are actively trying to subvert Ethereum nodes with exposed APIs! Further, all browser tabs can access locally running webservers, so malicious webpages could try to subvert locally available APIs!


If you'd like to contribute to Luniverse-PoA protocol, please fork, fix, commit and send a pull request for the maintainers to review and merge into the main code base. If you wish to submit more complex changes though, please check up with the core devs first on our gitter channel to ensure those changes are in line with the general philosophy of the project and/or get some early feedback which can make both your efforts much lighter as well as our review and merge procedures quick and simple.

Please make sure your contributions adhere to our coding guidelines:

  • Code must adhere to the official Go formatting guidelines (i.e. uses gofmt).
  • Code must be documented adhering to the official Go commentary guidelines.
  • Pull requests need to be based on and opened against the master branch.
  • Commit messages should be prefixed with the package(s) they modify.
    • E.g. "eth, rpc: make trace configs optional"


As mentioned at the outset, the project is a derivative version of the very popular go-ethereum official open source project, so the basic licensing policy is entirely the same as that of the go-ethereum project.

The original go-ethereum library and any changes made by Luniverse-PoA protocol (i.e. all code outside of the cmd directory) are licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0, also included in our repository in the COPYING.LESSER file.

The original go-ethereum binaries and any changes made by Luniverse-PoA protocol (i.e. all code inside of the cmd directory) are licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0, also included in our repository in the COPYING file.