Description: This Java file contains the implementation for the Customer_Records system, which is designed to manage and store customer information for a business. The system includes functionality for adding new customers, updating existing customer details, deleting customers, and retrieving customer information. Additionally, it provides methods for generating reports and analyzing customer data.
Class Structure:
- The main class Customer_Records includes the entry point for the application.
- Other supporting classes include [List of supporting classes and their purposes].
- This system is intended to be used as a backend service for managing customer
records in a business setting. It can be integrated into other applications or
used as a standalone system.
How to Run:
- Compile and run the file using a Java compiler.
- Ensure that all dependencies are available in the classpath.
- Follow the instructions in the console for interacting with the system.
Example Usage:
- [Provide an example scenario or use case to demonstrate how the system works.]
*/ public class Customer_Records { // Your code goes here public static void main(String[] args) { // Entry point for the application } // Additional methods and classes }