- 🏠 About
- 🎯 Installation
- 💻 Techs
- 👤 Author
- 🤝 Contributing
- 📜 License
This project was developed in typescript language, using react native and expo frameworks.
I used javascript and json languages as secondary languages, just for the configuration files.
I used the commitlint, @commitlint/config-conventional, commitizen and cz-conventional-changelog libraries to keep the patterns in the commits, the prettier, @trivago/prettier-plugin-sort-imports and eslint (config: prettier, @react-native-community; plugins: prettier, @typescript-eslint, @react-native-community; parser: @typescript-eslint) libraries to maintain formatting standards, also helping to remove errors in the code, and the husky, lint-staged libraries to automate tasks before committing new code to ensure that the code is formatted and without errors.
I used the babel plugin module resolver library to define relative paths.
This project is about a list of attendees for an event.
You can access the project through the qr code published at expo.
First you need to install:
By HTTPS, running this command:
git clone https://github.com/LeoMSSilva/imhere.git
Or by ssh, running this command:
git clone git@github.com:LeoMSSilva/imhere.git
SSH is a secure protocol, but you need to register a key ssh in your github before.
yarn install
yarn start
- Babel plugin module resolver
- Commitlint
- @commitlint/config-conventional
- Commitizen
- cz-conventional-changelog
- Eslint
- config:
- prettier
- @react-native-community
- plugins:
- prettier
- @typescript-eslint
- @react-native-community
- parser:
- @typescript-eslint
- config:
- Expo
- Expo status bar
- Javascript
- Husky
- Lint-staged
- Prettier
- @trivago/prettier-plugin-sort-imports
- React
- React native
- Typescript
- Github: @LeoMSSilva
- LinkedIn: @LeoMSSilva
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome! Feel free to file a new issue on the imhere repository. If you already found a solution to your problem, I would love to review your pull request!
Copyright ©️ 2022 LeoMSSilva.
This project is MIT licensed.