Contextualize CRF/XGBOOST and Linguistic based feature for POS detection in Ghomala
Position to position augmentation algorithm
Check my presentation here: elvis_workshop_session_presentation.pdf
- if not exist, create data source folder for POS in this repository
mkdir data_source
cd data_source
- clone Masakhane POS dataset in
git clone
- if you want to experiment with main dataset produce by NTeALan teams, use this folder instead:
(you will need to split the dataset)
- Reproduice poetry environnement
poetry install --only dev && poetry shell
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Reproduice all my mlflow experimentations
- CRF usage
python3 experimentations/ --help
usage: [-h] [--lang LANG] [--augment] [--description DESCRIPTION]
[--re-organised-data] [--shuffle] [--iter ITER] [--c2 C2]
[--algo ALGO] [--c1 C1]
sklearn CRF Sangkak
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--lang LANG language of training data
--augment Augment training data
--description DESCRIPTION
description of experiment
--re-organised-data re-organised data of training
--shuffle shuffle training data
--iter ITER number of iterations
--c2 C2 c2 regularization value for algorithm (default: 0.3)
--algo ALGO crf algorithm (default: lbfgs)
--c1 C1 c1 regularization value for algorithm (default: 0.0920512484757745)
- CRF run sample
python3 experimentations/ --lang bbj --description "crf: iter 100" --iter 100
- XGBOOST usage
python3 experimentations/ --help
usage: [-h] [--lang LANG] [--augment] [--description DESCRIPTION] [--shuffle]
[--early_stop EARLY_STOP] [--learning-rate LEARNING_RATE]
[--colsample-bytree COLSAMPLE_BYTREE] [--subsample SUBSAMPLE] [--reg-alpha REG_ALPHA]
[--reg-lambda REG_LAMBDA] [--n-estimators N_ESTIMATORS] [--nthread NTHREAD]
[--n-jobs N_JOBS]
XGBoost Sangkak
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--lang LANG language of training data
--augment Augment training data
--description DESCRIPTION
description of experiment
--shuffle shuffle training data
--early_stop EARLY_STOP
number of early_stopping round
--learning-rate LEARNING_RATE
learning rate to update step size at each boosting step (default: 0.3)
--colsample-bytree COLSAMPLE_BYTREE
subsample ratio of columns when constructing each tree (default: 1.0)
--subsample SUBSAMPLE
subsample ratio of the training instances (default: 1.0)
--reg-alpha REG_ALPHA
L1 regularization (default: 0)
--reg-lambda REG_LAMBDA
L2 regularization (default: 1.8)
--n-estimators N_ESTIMATORS
n_estimators (default: 10060)
--nthread NTHREAD nthread (default: 1.8)
--n-jobs N_JOBS n_jobs (default: 10060)
- XGBOOST run sample
python3 experimentations/ --lang bbj --description "xgb: n_estimator 5060 + lr=0.01" --n-estimators 5060 --learning-rate 0.01
- launch mlflow server
mlflow ui
- open this link to your webserver