Application created for the competition #100commitow // DevMentors
I need an aplication for gym that will help me to track my progress and weight
I want to create a flexible gym helper application for individual trainings.
This application would track user's progress, weight changes, show these changes on a nice graphs.
Program will be open-sourced and free to use for anyone
- ☐ Creating own flexible trainings plans (creation of a training plan from selected exercises, their number of series and repetitions, and optionally a pre-imposed weight )
- ☐ History of trainings (Check statistics of already made training like ERP and optional advices from system)
- ✅ Dark Theme (Must have lol)
- ☐ Weight changes tracker
- ☐ Statistics page
- ✅ Database with exercises (Check exercise, it's title, description, image or video how to do this exercise, advices etc.)
checkbox / Target → Expected completion date
- ✅ Create first initialization of project → 01 March
- ✅ Prepare preview of files structure. Create first few preview pages and main menu → 02 March
- ✅ Prepare needed classess, services and interfaces for trainings → 03-05 March
- ✅ Create database for storing data // Room → 05 March
- ✅ Update models with some proeprties → 05-06 March
- ✅ Implement some static prepared data to database → 07-08 March
- ☐ Prepare Infrastructure project (preview in → 09-10 March
- ☐ Find personal trainer to get some important information for application → 11-17 March
- ☐ Implement creating training plans (selected specific exrcises, series, repetitions etc) → 13-20 March
- ☐ implement and prepare exercises database with few prepopulated data in db
- ☐ implement dialog for exercises details and make IT flexible to be able to open also during creating training plans, system advices and history of training
- ☐ connect application with AI for user integration
- ☐ use AI to generate training plans
- ☐ find free assets like images or videos
- Other plans are now under question mark. Future updates will show next roadmap plans.
Actually running application is pretty easy. Just download apk file (GymBuddy.apk) from releases page (Latest stable version), then install apk on phone and enjoy :)
First run could be kinda slow coz of first starting and creating database for user. Every run after the first one will be much faster.
First release will be uploaded after implementing database with exercises and training plasa