Publisher: Liquid Legal Institute e.V.
Authors: Kai Jacob, Dierk Schindler, Jens Wagner, Bernhard Waltl
Editing: Roger Strathausen
- Preface
- Principles for a Common Legal Platform
- Concept for Implementation
- Platform Benefits
- The Liquid Legal Institute e.V.
- Imprint
The Liquid Legal Institute e.V. is a non-profit organization incorporated as a registered association (eingetragener Verein) under the laws of Germany. Its purpose, as defined in the articles of association, is to research and promote new ways of thinking and new technologies and other innovations in the legal ecosystem, i.e. so-called Legal Transformation. It is made up of members who belong to different stakeholder groups, including corporates, law firms, legal tech start-ups and individuals.
For more information about us and about what drives us visit
Liquid Legal Institute e.V.
Munich (Germany)
Office address:
Almenrausch 25, 85521 Ottobrunn, Germany
Management board in the terms of § 26 BGB: Kai Jacob (Chairperson), Dierk Schindler, Bernhard Waltl
Executive director: Dierk Schindler
Register of associations: Amtsgericht München
Registration number: VR 207699