Yet Another Site Mapper
Generate a (visual) site map free and open-source.
- Graphviz or
- Blockdiag
- with PDF support:
pip install "blockdiag[pdf]"
- with PDF support:
- Python-colorspace
$ ./ -h
usage: [-h] [-v] [-i] [-d DEPTH] [-wp WIDTHPADDING] [-hp HEIGHTPADDING] [-e {dot,blockdiag}] [-o {landscape,portrait}] [-t {pdf,svg}] [-s] file
positional arguments:
file Input file - YACA JSON
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose Verbosity of the output
-i, --instant View the output file immediately
-d DEPTH, --depth DEPTH
Maximum depth of the sitemap (default unlimited)
Padding width between adjacent nodes
Padding height between adjacent nodes
-e {dot,blockdiag}, --engine {dot,blockdiag}
Engine for output
-o {landscape,portrait}, --orientation {landscape,portrait}
Orientation for blockdiag output
-t {pdf,svg}, --type {pdf,svg}
Output file type
-s, --sdsp Treat subdomains same as slash path URL parts
The input file is the output of YACA, or JSON of the same format.
./ ../yaca/output/brunch-io.json
$ ./ ../yaca/output/nextjs-org.json -e blockdiag --orientation landscape -wp 30 -hp 10
YACA - Yet Another Content Auditor
Can be used as input for YASM.
Developed originally for the class Information Architecture and Web Usability.