Identification and functional annotation of genic structural variants in five selected mice lines and a control line. Preprint "Genomic characterization of world’s longest selection experiment in mouse reveals the complexity of polygenic traits" available at bioRxiv. All scripts and data used in the manuscript accessible at SOS-FERT_analysis_github.
- 6 mice lines (25 samples per line): two high fertility lines (different physiological pathways), lean (high protein mass) and "obese" line, endurance line, control
- snakemake pipeline for parsing bam files, SV calling and filtering, VEP annotation
- initial SV test run done on 60 samples (50 + 10 re-seq) with genome coverage ~20x
- 150 samples split into low (~5x) and high (~20x) coverage set, SVs inferred primarily from high cov. set