Capi Lang is a game engine for 2D videogames. Our scope for this project is to build a language that has a similar structure as Typescript, C++ and others. Some of the basic stuff you can do with Capi lang is:
- Declare variables [string,int,float,bool]
- Declare functions [string,int,float,bool,void]
- Expression Assignment
- Function Calls
- Recursive functions
- Return values from functions
- Keyboard input
- Console output
- If/Else conditions
- While/for loops
- Declare 1D Lists
- 1D Lists indexing
- 1D lists assignment
- Mathematic expressions such as sqrt and pow.
- Build 2D games with our special functions
Basic structure of Capi Lang
@ Global Definition of Variables
global : {
var id: int;
@ Definition of functions
void func test():{
void func myfunc():{
@ Definition of main module
main :{
@ Definition of start function - this function runs at the start of the program
void func start():{
print("Capi Example");
@ Definition of run function - this function is the game infinite loop
void func run():{
quit() @ Quit is used when you just want to execute no game related code.
Check if you have python installed, then run this command to install the needed dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
To run .capi code you must create a .capi file in the /tests folder and run this command:
python -f "tests/code.capi"
Declaration of variables
@ You can declare variables in the global section
global : {
var integerVariable: int;
var stringVariable: string;
var floatVariable: float;
var boolVariable: bool;
@ You can also declare variables in functions
void func myfunc():{
var myVariable:int;
Expressions and Assignment
void func start():{
@ You can assign a value to a variable by using the '=' operator
@ [The value you are trying to assign must be of the same type of the variable]
a = 3;
b = 2;
c = 1;
d = 0;
e = 32;
f = 10;
g = 6;
@ An example of Aritmetic expressions
res = (a + b + (c * d * (e - f * (g - 2)) + 3) * 2);
@ An example of Logic expressions
print((true && true) || (true || false));
@ An example of Relational expressions
print((5 - 2) >= (3 * 3));
Console output
print(5 * 3);
Declaration of functions
Type functions and return statement
The return statement returns a value of the same type of the function.
@ An int function with an int parameter
int func myIntFunction(a:int):{
return a + 10; @ Return statement
Void functions
@ A void function without parameters
void func myVoidFunction():{
print("This is a void function");
When you create a function you now have access to that piece of code whenever you want. If you want to run that function you need to call it.
This concept is called function call.
@ Global Definition of Variables
global : {
var aVariable: int;
@ Definition of functions
int func myIntFunction(a:int):{
return a + 10;
@ Definition of main module
main :{
@ Definition of start function - this function runs at the start of the program
void func start():{
@ Basic function call
print(myIntFunction(5)); @ The result will be 5 + 10 = 15
@ Definition of run function - this function is the game infinite loop
void func run():{
quit() @ Quit is used when you just want to execute no game related code.
Recursive functions example 'Factorial'
@ Global Definition of Variables
global : {
var aVariable:int;
int func factRec(n:int):{
if(n == 1):{
return n;
return n * factRec(n - 1);
@ Definition of main module
main :{
@ Definition of start function - this function runs at the start of the program
void func start():{
print("Recursive factorial");
aVariable = 7;
@ Definition of run function - this function is the game infinite loop
void func run():{
@ Basic structure if
if(5 > 2):{ something
@ Basic structure if/else
if(3 * 4 > 2 - 1):{ something if true
};else:{ something if false
Loops (for/while)
@ Basic for loop structure
for(i = 0; i < 10; i = i + 1;):{
@ Basic while loop structure
while(j < 10):{
j = j + 1;
1 Dimension Lists
List declaration
var listVariable: list|int|[5];
List access
List assignment
listVariable[0] = 0;
listVariable[1] = 5 * 4;
listVariable[2] = 21 - 4;
List basic special functions
listVariable.size() @ Returns the size of the list
listVariable.head() @ Returns the first element of the list.
listVariable.find(element) @ Returns True if value is in the list. Returns false otherwise.
listVariable.last() @ Returns the last element of the list.
Bubble sort using a list
@ Global Definition of Variables
global : {
var arr:list|int|[5];
var i,j,temp:int;
void func bubble(n:int):{
for(i = 0; i < (n - 1); i = i + 1;):{
for(j = 0; j < (n - i - 1); j = j + 1;):{
if(arr[j] > arr[j+1]):{
temp = arr[j];
arr[j] = arr[j+1];
arr[j+1] = temp;
void func printList(n: int):{
var x: int;
x = 0;
while(x < n):{
x = x + 1;
@ Definition of main module
main :{
@ Definition of start function - this function runs at the start of the program
void func start():{
arr[0] = 3;
arr[1] = 1;
arr[2] = 2;
arr[3] = 100;
arr[4] = 5;
@ Definition of run function - this function is the game infinite loop
void func run():{
Mathematic functions
pow(x,y) @ Gets the x to the y.
sqrt(x); @ Gets the square root of x.
rand(x,y) @ Generates a random number between x and y.
capigame.init() @ This will init the game environment.
capigame.draw(color,x,y,width,height); @ This is used to draw a figure in the window.
capigame.set_fill(r,g,b); @ Sets the color of the window
capigame.get_event(); @ Gets the events of the game
capigame.set_dimension(width,height); @ Sets the dimension of the window
capigame.set_title("Title"); @ Sets the title of the window
capigame.update(); @ Updates the window frames
capigame.window_h(); @ Gets the window height
capigame.window_w(); @ Gets the window width
create_text("Title", color, x,y); @ Creates a text object in the game window.
quit(); # Quits the game.
Available colors:
Capi Lang was created so that anyone with some coding skills can build a 2D basic game.
In this section we will explain how to build a game from scratch using capi lang.
The first step is to create a .capi file with this structure:
@ Global Definition of Variables
global : {
@ Definition of main module
main :{
@ Definition of start function - this function runs at the start of the program
void func start():{
@ Definition of run function - this function is the game infinite loop
void func run():{
We will introduce capi functions in this section:
To start creating videogames you will need to first initiate the video game. To do this you can simply call the function:
void func start():{
capigame.init(); @This function must be called in the start module, this will init the game environment.
The next step is to create a window for you videogame:
The way of doing this is by using the function set_dimension.
void func start():{
capigame.init(); @This function must be called in the start module, this will init the game environment.
capigame.set_dimension(700,500); @ The parameters are width and height of the window.
@ You can also set the title of the window.
Setting a title to our videogame
void func start():{
capigame.init(); @This function must be called in the start module, this will init the game environment.
capigame.set_dimension(700,500); @ The parameters are width and height of the window.
@ You can also set the title of the window.
capigame.set_title("My videogame");
Setting a color to our background
@ Definition of run function - this function is the game infinite loop
void func run():{
capigame.update(); @ This function is important because it will help the game to keep updated each frame.
If we combine everything we should get this
@ Global Definition of Variables
global : {
@ Definition of main module
main :{
@ Definition of start function - this function runs at the start of the program
void func start():{
@ We init the game
@ We setup the dimension of the window
@ We set the title of the window
capigame.set_title("My videogame");
@ Definition of run function - this function is the game infinite loop
void func run():{
In this section we will introduce some concepts that will be usefull when creating a videogame with Capi Lang.
We will create two variables
var xPosition:int;
var yPosition:int;
We will integrate this code to our base code:
@ Global Definition of Variables
global : {
var xPosition:int;
var yPosition:int;
@ Definition of main module
main :{
@ Definition of start function - this function runs at the start of the program
void func start():{
@ We init the game
@ We setup the dimension of the window
@ We set the title of the window
capigame.set_title("My videogame");
@ Definition of run function - this function is the game infinite loop
void func run():{
Then we will assign a 0 to the variables xPosition
and yPosition
@ Global Definition of Variables
global : {
var xPosition:int;
var yPosition:int;
@ Definition of main module
main :{
@ Definition of start function - this function runs at the start of the program
void func start():{
@ We init the game
@ We setup the dimension of the window
@ We set the title of the window
capigame.set_title("My videogame");
xPosition = 0;
yPosition = 0;
@ Definition of run function - this function is the game infinite loop
void func run():{
Now that we have our position variables created we will now create our player. We will need to create a function
so that we can draw our player in our window. We will be using another capigame function called capigame.draw(color,x,y,width,height);
In Capi Lang we have several colors, we encourage you to read that section.
We create this function called drawPlayer
@ Function used to draw a player
void func drawPlayer(x:int, y:int):{
@ This function will draw a figure with color "GREEN" at position x and y. The width/height of the figure will be 50x50
After creating our function we integrate the code this way.
@ Global Definition of Variables
global : {
var xPosition:int;
var yPosition:int;
void func drawPlayer(x:int, y:int):{
@ This function will draw a figure with color "GREEN" at position x and y. The width/height of the figure will be 50x50
@ Definition of main module
main :{
@ Definition of start function - this function runs at the start of the program
void func start():{
@ We init the game
@ We setup the dimension of the window
@ We set the title of the window
capigame.set_title("My videogame");
xPosition = 0;
yPosition = 0;
@ Definition of run function - this function is the game infinite loop
void func run():{
drawPlayer(xPosition, yPosition);
We will intoduce an important concept that is an Event. When creating a game with Capi Lang there will be plenty of events occurring in the run function. Some example of those events are:
- Keyboard inputs
- Quit input
We will use this events to move our player and we will need to run another capigame function called capigame.get_event();
That function will obtain all the events occurring in the run function.
We will first create a string variable that will store the current event
var event: string;
Then we will initialize our event variable in the run function like this:
event = capigame.get_event(); @ This value will be changing depending of the event that is currently happening.
The next step is to integrate this into our game code:
@ Global Definition of Variables
global : {
var xPosition:int;
var yPosition:int;
var event: string;
void func drawPlayer(x:int, y:int):{
@ This function will draw a figure with color "GREEN" at position x and y. The width/height of the figure will be 50x50
@ Definition of main module
main :{
@ Definition of start function - this function runs at the start of the program
void func start():{
@ We init the game
@ We setup the dimension of the window
@ We set the title of the window
capigame.set_title("My videogame");
xPosition = 0;
yPosition = 0;
@ Definition of run function - this function is the game infinite loop
void func run():{
event = capigame.get_event();
drawPlayer(xPosition, yPosition);
Now we will add some events so that we can handle our player movement.
Some of the events that can be used in Capi Lang will be listed in the event section.
@ Global Definition of Variables
global : {
var xPosition:int;
var yPosition:int;
var event: string;
void func drawPlayer(x:int, y:int):{
@ This function will draw a figure with color "GREEN" at position x and y. The width/height of the figure will be 50x50
@ Definition of main module
main :{
@ Definition of start function - this function runs at the start of the program
void func start():{
@ We init the game
@ We setup the dimension of the window
@ We set the title of the window
capigame.set_title("My videogame");
xPosition = 0;
yPosition = 0;
@ Definition of run function - this function is the game infinite loop
void func run():{
event = capigame.get_event();
@ We use an if statement so that we can handle the events
if(event == "KEYLEFT"):{
xPosition = xPosition - 1; @ This will move the player to the left
if(event == "KEYRIGHT"):{
xPosition = xPosition + 1; @ This will move the player to the right
if(event == "KEYUP"):{
yPosition = yPosition - 1; @ This will move the player up
if(event == "KEYDOWN"):{
yPosition = yPosition + 1; @ This will move the player down
drawPlayer(xPosition, yPosition);