A play on LuaRocks. And a package manager for CC:T.
Taking inspiration from Lyqyd's Packman.
wget run https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Lupus590-CC/LuaStoned/master/bootstrap.lua
and then follow the on screen instuctions
You might have notice that we make no effort to hide that we are actually using lua files to store these. I'm a lazy human and don't want to make a custom format parser.
- TODO: Lyqyd's packman support?
- TODO: SquidDev's blue shiny rocks support?
- TODO: missing CC builtin files?
- TODO: how to handle unused dependencies?
- TODO: how to handle dependencies changing on update?
- TODO: file metadata for what files belong to which installed programs and which were created but which program? kinda like https://www.computercraft.info/forums2/index.php?/topic/18646-rfc-metadata-file-structure-compatible-with-all-file-types/