MEF-LSO-Sonata-SDK - Dolly Release
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This repository contains the MEF LSO Sonata SDK. It includes API definitions for the following functional areas:
- Serviceability
- Address
- Site Retrieval
- Product Offering Qualification Management
- Product Quote
- Product Order
- Product Inventory
- Trouble Ticket
- Appointment
- Work Order
It also provides Product Schemas for:
- Access E-Line
- Basic Internet Access
- Advanced Internet Access
High-level release notes
- Following APIs and their respective Developer Guides have been published as MEF Standards:
- MEF 87 - LSO Cantata and LSO Sonata Product Offering Qualification API - Developer Guide
- MEF 115 - LSO Cantata and LSO Sonata Quote Management API - Developer Guide
- MEF 116 - LSO Cantata and LSO Sonata Product Inventory API - Developer Guide
- MEF 121 - LSO Cantata and LSO Sonata Address Management API - Developer Guide
- MEF 122 - LSO Cantata and LSO Sonata Site Management API - Developer Guide
- All APIs have been reviewed and updated to follow their respective Business Requirements & Use Cases and Developer Guides documents
- New documents:
- MEF W134 - Invoice Business Requirements and Use Cases
- MEF W137 - LSO Cantata and LSO Sonata Appointment Management API - Developer Guide
- MEF W139 - Internet Access Product Schemas and Developer Guide
- New artifacts:
- generated/security - A not normative version of the standard APIs including the security profiles as required by MEF 128. Provided for evaluation.
NOTE: Please note the Readme files in particular productApi directories to see detailed release notes per API.
Maturity Level
The API files contained in this SDK are evolving and subject to change. They are based on documents that are either ratified standards or draft standards that have not yet completed the review cycles and approvals necessary to achieve the status as a MEF standard. MEF is making these publicly available at this time to invite wider industry review.
The maturity per functionality presents as follows:
- Address Validation, Site Query:
- Business Requirements:
- MEF 79 - Published Standard
- *MEF 79.0.2 - Published Standard
- Developer Guide/API:
- *MEF W121 - Address Management - Published Standard
- *MEF W122 - Site Management - Published Standard
- Business Requirements:
- Product Offering Qualification:
- Business Requirements:
- MEF 79 - Published Standard
- MEF 79.0.1 - Published Standard
- Developer Guide/API:
- *MEF W87 - Published Standard
- Business Requirements:
- Quote:
- Business Requirements:
- *MEF 80 - Published Standard
- Developer Guide/API:
- *MEF W115: - Published Standard
- Business Requirements:
- Order:
- Business Requirements:
- *MEF W57.2 - work in progress, Draft Release 4
- Developer Guide/API:
- *MEF W123 - work in progress - ready for CfC#3
- Business Requirements:
- Inventory:
- Business Requirements:
- MEF 81, MEF 81.0.1 - Published Standard
- Developer Guide/API
- *MEF W116 - Published Standard
- Business Requirements:
- Trouble Ticket:
- Business Requirements:
- *MEF W113 - work in progress, Draft Release 3
- Developer Guide/API
- *MEF W124 - Trouble Ticket - work in progress - ready for CfC#3
- *MEF W137 - Appointment - work in progress - ready for CfC#1
- Business Requirements:
- Product Specifications:
- *MEF W106 - Access E-Line - work in progress, CfC#2 reviewed
- *MEF W125 - Subscriber Ethernet (EPL, EPLAN, EPTREE, EVPL, EVPLAN, EVPTREE) - work in progress, CfC#1 reviewed
- *MEF W139 - Basic and Advanced Internet Access - work in progress - ready for CfC#1
(*) is used to mark item that changes their maturity comparing to previous release.
For details on the maturity map and the roadmap for future releases please refer to LSO Sonata SDK Home Page on the MEF WIKI.
This SDK contains the following items:
- Copyright 2022 MEF ForumLICENSE
- Contains a copy of the Apache 2.0 licenseREADME
- This fileproductApi
- Definitions of the API are found in this directoryinventory
- Contains the API definitions necessary for inter-carrier retrieval of Product Inventoryorder
- Contains the API definitions for inter-carrier service ordering capabilityquote
- Contains the API definitions for inter-carrier service quotation capabilityserviceability
- Contains the APIs that allow the Service Provider or Buyer to perform:address
- Retrieve Address information including exact formats for Addresses known to the SellerofferingQualification
- Determine whether it is feasible for the Seller to deliver a particular Product with a given configuration to a particular geographic location if
- Retrieve Service Site information including exact formats for Service Sites known to the Seller
- Create and manage Trouble Ticketsworkforce
- Manage Appointment and Work Orders
- All related standards and Developer GuidesproductApi
- API related documentation - Developer Guidesinventory
- MEF 116 Developer Guideorder
- MEF W123 Developer Guidequote
- MEF 115 Developer Guideserviceability/address
- MEF 121 Developer Guideserviceability/offeringQualification
- MEF 87 Developer Guideserviceability/site
- MEF 122 Developer GuidetroubleTicket
- MEF W124 Developer Guideworkforce
- MEF W137 Developer Guide
- product related documentationcarrierEthernet
- MEF W106 and MEF W125 Product Schema Guidesip
- MEF W139 Internet Access Product Schema Guide
- The rest of documents and standards.
- Product Specification schemas for:carrierEthernet
- Carrier Ethernet product Schemasip
- Basic and Advanced Internet Access product schemas
- contains automatically generated (with help of the open source Sonata Blending Tool), not normative static bindings of envelope APIs with Product Specifications. The Address, Site and Trouble Ticket APIs are not included as they do not carry product information.full
- contains static binding of all available product schemascarrierEthernet
- contains static binding of only CarrierEthernet productsip
- contains static binding of only IP products
Issues, Questions, and Feedback
Issues should be reported with the use of GitHub issues. Questions and feedback should be asked either at Sonata SDK Community or directly to
NOTE: All artifacts included in this repository have line numbers. When referring to specific content in any of these artifacts, please quote the line numbers to which you are referring.
The MEF LSO Sonata SDK is released under the Apache 2.0 license.
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The receipt or any use of this document or its contents does not in any way create, by implication or otherwise:
(a) any express or implied license or right to or under any patent, copyright, trademark or trade secret rights held or claimed by any MEF member which are or may be associated with the ideas, techniques, concepts or expressions contained herein; nor
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