Releases: MR-Spagetty/SG-Address-book-recorder-viewer
AddressBook v1.3.0
- Swapped PEG glyphs out for Harald De Luca's
- added address export button for when you want to share only a single address
- added address import button for when you want to import a single address somebody has shared with you by using the previous feature
- fixed some weirdness in the display system
AddressBook v2.2.1
Fixed not being able to modify addresses (oops)
Fixed not being able to actually select the glyph in the edit dialogue (oops again)
AddressBook v2.2.0
Switched to Tree selection for address and book selection
- easier to use
- fixes the 36 (accessible) address/book limit of the menus
AddressBook v2.1.1
A few bug fixes and a couple of QOL additions
Fixed autosave bug (autosaving as if changed book when making a new address)
QOL addition: replaced QLineEdit in glyph edit dialogue with a editable combo box that has autocompletion
Fixed program breaking bug where auto save saved the currently selected book to the files of all loaded books if auto save mode set to on-close
or switch-or-close
AddressBook v2.0.0 DO NOT USE
Completely Rewrote the program with the PySide library(qt) instead of Tkinter.
It will take upto about a minute or 30 secs(i haven't timed it) to launch due to the themes system recoloring ALL of the glyphs Pixel by pixel (no other way to recolor them)
New Features:
- light and dark theme
- new gui
What's to come?
- Custom theme
- Ability to add custom glyph types
AddressBook v1.3.1
- fixed more display weirdness so that imported address will now display in the list immediately
AddressBook v1.2.2
- Fixed IDCs not saving oops
- Forced the pesky UNI glyphs to fit in with the rest
AddressBook v1.2.1
- Upgraded to Python 3.10
- Redid IDC thus removing the custom IDC option temporarily but it looks better now
AddressBook v1.2.0
- Added IDC storage
2 modes
- 9 digit code: allows entry of a numerical code consisting of UP TO 9 digits
- Custom: a custom code that can consist of anything and has no length limit designed to be used for an OC handled code