The Project Management Desktop App is a JavaFX application designed for project administrators. This app provides a user-friendly interface to manage projects, tasks, and collaborators efficiently. The app is built using Java 21 and utilizes JavaFX for the graphical user interface.
The Project Management Desktop App serves as a centralized tool for project administrators to manage and oversee various aspects of their projects. With an intuitive user interface, administrators can efficiently handle project details, tasks, and collaborators.
- User-friendly interface for project management.
- Efficient handling of projects, tasks, and collaborators.
- Desktop application for administrators.
Before you start, ensure that you have the following installed on your system:
- Java 21
- MySQL database
To connect to a local database, follow those steps.
- To create the database structure, refer to the README of the web app where every step is explained.
- Go to java/com/maestro/desktop/utils/ and update those variables with the data from your local database: private static final String URL; private static final String USER; private static final String PASS; Update those variables with the url to the database (with this format: "jdbc:mysql://HostName:Port/nameOfTheDatabase"), the user and the password.
The Project Management Desktop App utilizes the following dependencies managed by Gradle:
dependencies {
implementation 'mysql:mysql-connector-java:8.0.33'
implementation ''
implementation 'org.controlsfx:controlsfx:11.2.0'
implementation 'com.mysql:mysql-connector-j:8.2.0'