🔭 I’m currently working on Ecommerce Web app
🔭 I’m currently working on ..... both Fronend and Backend
🌱 I’m currently learning New things
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Doctor consultant app
👨💻 All of my projects are available at [(https://malik-towkeer-portfolio.onrender.com/)]
📝 I regularly write articles on https://blog-with-reactjs-appwrite2.vercel.app/
💬 Ask me about React js, node js, express js, mongo, react native, tailwind, mysql,bootstrap, styled components, etc...
📫 How to reach me maliktow012@gmail.com
📄 Know about my experiences
- kulgam
(UTC -12:00) - https://malik-towkeer-portfolio.onrender.com
- in/malik-towkeer-ul-islam-595ba0218
- malik_towkeer
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2.-E-com-frontend PublicRepo where you can get Ecom fronednt code files, i will be using E-com backend apis into this project
MealsToGo-application Publicthis repo contians code of MealsToGo mobile application for both Android as well as iOs developed using React-Native framework
JavaScript 1
JWT-auth-with-MERN Publicthis repo contains code for jwt authentication using MERN>
JavaScript 2
FocusTime-App-with-React-Native Publicthis repo contains code of focus time mobile application for both Android and iOs build using React-Native techonology. the code present in thsi repo is maintained using best practices.
JavaScript 1
travel-backend Publictravel backend repo contains the code of backend , it is a full fludged travel application with advanced features using Express js and mongo db
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