CosmosEpub is a Flutter package that allows users to open and read EPUB files easily. It provides features like opening EPUB files from assets or local path, changing themes, adjusting font styles and sizes, accessing chapter contents, and more. The reader is responsive, enabling its use with both normal-sized smartphones and tablets.
- Open EPUB files from assets or local path.
- Change themes with 5 options: Grey, Purple, White, Black, and Pink
- Customize font style and size
- Access table of contents and navigate to specific chapters
- Display current chapter name at the bottom of the screen
- Previous and next buttons to switch between chapters
- Adjust screen brightness
- Save book reading progress
- Nice page flip animation while reading
- ...and feel free to ask for new features @ or open an issue.
In your flutter project add the dependency:
cosmos_epub: ^x.y.z
Run the command:
flutter pub get
For more information, check out the documentation.
Import the package in your Dart code:
import 'package:cosmos_epub/cosmos_epub.dart';
First things first, you have to initialize
databases before using any other method. Kindly, do it earlier, preferably in the main.dart file.
There are various methods to control over book progress DB too for your ease :)
void main() async {
// Initializer and methods return a bool
var _initialized = await CosmosEpub.initialize();
if (_initialized) {
BookProgressModel bookProgress = CosmosEpub.getBookProgress('bookId');
await CosmosEpub.setCurrentPageIndex('bookId', 1);
await CosmosEpub.setCurrentChapterIndex('bookId', 2);
await CosmosEpub.deleteBookProgress('bookId');
await CosmosEpub.deleteAllBooksProgress();
To open an EPUB file from the assets, use the openAssetBook
await CosmosEpub.openAssetBook(
assetPath: 'assets/book.epub',
context: context,
// Book ID is required to save the progress for each opened book
bookId: '3',
// Callbacks are optional
onPageFlip: (int currentPage, int totalPages) {
onLastPage: (int lastPageIndex) {
print('We arrived to the last widget');
To open an EPUB file from a local storage, use the openLocalBook
await CosmosEpub.openLocalBook(
localPath: book.path,
context: context,
// Book ID is required to save the progress for each opened book
bookId: '3'
// Callbacks are optional
onPageFlip: (int currentPage, int totalPages) {
onLastPage: (int lastPageIndex) {
print('We arrived to the last widget');
Also you can use CosmosEpub.openURLBook
and CosmosEpub.openFileBook
for your convenience.
For clearing theming cache, use this method:
await CosmosEpub.clearThemeCache();
Note: I haven't handled all exceptions, so control it on your own side. For example, if you give same bookId to the another book, it can open page and chapter from that book's progress or may break 💀
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions: