covered the following JS Function: Click here to explore the function stuff
✅ Clarifying Terminologies(function vs methods, parameter vs arguments, and many more!)
✅ Function Declarations
✅ Function Executions
✅ Default Parameter
✅ Rest Parameter
✅ Call Stack
✅ Arrow Function
✅ Nested Function
✅ Function Scope
✅ Closure
✅ Callback Function
✅ Higher-Order Function
✅ Pure Function
✅ Recursion
Click here to explore the JavaScript Asynchronous
✅ setTimeout function
✅ callbacks w/examples
✅ Callback hell
✅ Promises & promise cycle
✅ Promise Chaining
✅ error handling
✅ finally handler
✅ Async/ Await
✅ try catch finally
✅ Await keyword w/ example
✅ ice cream w/ async/await