This is a neural network developed for the course: INF01017 - Aprendizado de Máquina (2019/2).
This application requires Python version 3.6
There is a Makefile in the project folder which has rules for installing and running this application. Make sure you are on a python 3.6 environment and call make setup
The main file can be executed with one of the following commands:
- train
- predict
- backpropagation
- gradient
- evaluate-model
- evaluate-cost
- evaluate-parameters
More datails on usage in the following sections
Create and train a model for a given dataset, execution accepts the following parameters:
- -d: Path to dataset file. Required.
- -o: Path to where trained model/weights file is gonna be output. Required.
- -s: List of values that represents the number of neurons in inner layers. Required.
- -l: Learning rate of the model (weight update factor). Defaults to 0.01.
- -r: Regularization factor parameter. Defaults to 0.1.
- -e: Number of epochs used to train. Defaults to 100.
- -b: Size of minibatches used. Defaults to 32.
- -v: Verbosity.
Example execution:
python train -d data/wine.csv -o models/wine.pickle -s 100 100 -r 0.01 -b 32 -l 0.001 -e 300 -v
After completion, a your model is gonna be ready for prediction.
Predict classes for examples and a given trained model, prediction accepts the following parameters:
- -d: Path to dataset file. Required.
- -m: Path to model file. Required.
- -r: Path to model file. Required.
- -v: Verbosity.
Example execution:
python predict -d data/wine-predict.csv -m models/wine.pickle -r results/wine_results
A file that contains predicted probabilities is gonna be output. Each line represents the probabilities of each class for an input example.
Evaluate performance of model for a given dataset and hyper parameters, model evaluation accepts the following parameters:
- -d: Path to dataset file. Required.
- -s: List of values that represents the number of neurons in inner layers. Required.
- -l: Learning rate of the model (weight update factor). Defaults to 0.01.
- -r: Regularization factor parameter. Defaults to 0.1.
- -e: Number of epochs used to train. Defaults to 100.
- -b: Size of minibatches used. Defaults to 32.
- -k: Number of k-folds used in model cross validation. Defaults to 5.
- -v: Verbosity.
Evaluate and save cost through the training of a model for a given dataset and parameters, cost evaluation accepts the following parameters:
- -d: Path to dataset file. Required.
- -o: Path to folder where results, metrics and stats are gonna be saved. Required.
- -s: List of values that represents the number of neurons in inner layers. Required.
- -l: Learning rate of the model (weight update factor). Defaults to 0.01.
- -r: Regularization factor parameter. Defaults to 0.1.
- -e: Number of epochs used to train. Defaults to 100.
- -b: Size of minibatches used. Defaults to 32.
Run about to 5000 different hyper parameter configurations for each given dataset, parameters evaluation accepts the following parameters:
- -d: List of paths of datasets that are gonna be evaluated. Required.
- -o: Path to folder where results, metrics and stats are gonna be saved. Required.
- -k: Number of k-folds used in model cross validation. Defaults to 5.
Validate backpropagation values, backpropagation validation accepts the following parameters:
- -n: Path to network file.
- -w: Path to weights file.
- -d: Path to dataset file.
- -v: Verbosity.
Numeric validation of gradient values, gradient validation accepts the following parameters:
- -n: Path to network file.
- -w: Path to weights file.
- -d: Path to dataset file.
- -v: Verbosity.
For Backpropagation and Gradients validation, files must have the following format:
- Network file: first line is regularization factor, each following line represents number of neurons in a layer. Example:
- Weights file: each line represents weights connecting layer
, each weight group separated by;
represents the weights for inputs of each neuron in the layer. Example:
0.42, 0.15, 0.40; 0.72, 0.10, 0.5; 0.01, 0.19, 0.42; 0.30, 0.35, 0.68
0.21, 0.67, 0.14, 0.96, 0.87; 0.87, 0.42, 0.20, 0.32, 0.89; 0.03, 0.56, 0.80, 0.69, 0.09
0.04, 0.87, 0.42, 0.53; 0.17, 0.10, 0.95, 0.69
- Dataset file: each line represents an example inputs and it's expected results, separated by
. Example:
0.32, 0.68; 0.75, 0.98
0.83, 0.02; 0.75, 0.28