A full shop website for musical boxes, based on an exam from my University, in which the students had to desgin an object and persistence model.
Well, having 0 knowledge in UI design, and very limited in front- and back design and development, I thought that making use of an already existing and detailed project summary would do a good practice project. I am also learning Spring, so it is also the first time I'm using it for a "realistic" project.
For now, it isn't finished, so I haven't deployed its backend and database yet. I'm planning on fully completing this project soon ©.
You can take a look here, but I left no sample data nor loading animations yet ©. Please have in mind that both signup and about pages are still to be made responsive (I took a desktop first approach). Contact form is still to be designed and written.
- React
- Figma
- Spring Boot
- Dribble
- Open AI sites
The logo makes use of an icon from FontAwesome.