A library for filtering, storing, and manipulating stock/crypto data
import StockData as sd
- the url entered must be a yfinance ranking table
- ex: 'https://finance.yahoo.com/most-active' (this url is also the default value)
- create your own yfinance filters and enter the url to get data as csv
- enter a ticker (string)
- returns last price
- enter a ticker (string)
- returns change
- enter a ticker (string)
- get second by second price of given ticker written to csv
- enter a csv file gnerated by priceCollector
- retruns a list of average up, ups standard deviation, average down, downs standard deviation
- if there is not enough data to determine a standard devaition, (error: not enough data) is returned in place of the standard deviation values
sd.getHistory(ticker, startY=2015, startM=1, startD=1)
- enter a ticker (string), start year (int), start month(int), and start dat(int)
- produces a csv file with daily stock info from start y, m, d to present y, m, d
- enter a ticker
- produces a csv with yfinance summary
- enter a ticker
- produces a csv with yfinance analysis
- enter a ticker
- produces a csv with yfinance stats
- enter a ticker
- produces a csv with yfinance financials