! Zend Framework is now Laminas.
! Please use my other package called Laminas Turbo Speed for Laminas project which is up to date.
Zend Framework is now Laminas: https://www.zend.com/blog/evolution-zend-framework-laminas-project
Laminas Turbo Speed: https://github.com/Mecanik/laminas-turbo-speed
Module to supercharge your website performance by minifying/compressing HTML, inline content and pushing assets via HTTP/2. This module works for HTML5 type for now, do not use with XHTML.
- Events registered via ListenerAggregateInterface
- Easy to switch on/off any specific feature or the whole module
- Ability to force https for all routes (via onRoute)
- Ability to minify inline javascript (removes comments, spaces)
- Ability to minify inline stylesheet (removes comments, spaces, CDATA, line breaks)
- Ability to minify HTML (removes comments, spaces, line breaks)
- Ability to push scripts via HTTP/2
- Ability to push stylesheets via HTTP/2
- Ability to push images via HTTP/2
- PHP 7 friendly (and required)
- Does not "break" your pages/content
- Superfast processing, no cpu overhead (regex patterns have been optimised to be very fast)
- No other dependencies (than Zend Framework 3)
- Caching via Redis
- Caching via Memcached
- Caching via CDN (push/pull)
- Better HTML, JS, CSS minify
- More...
Installation is done via Composer:
composer require mecanik/zf3turbo
Create config/autoload/zf3turbo.global.php with the content:
return [
'zf3turbo' => [
// Completely enable/disable all functionality
'enabled' => true,
// Control current engine options
'engine_options' => [
// Force all routes to https:// and choose redirect http code
// Recommended redirect_code is 301
'ssl' => [
'enabled' => false,
'redirect_code' => 301,
'html_minifier' => [
// Completely enable/disable all functionality
'enabled' => true,
// remove HTML comments (not containing IE conditional comments)
// Recommended: true
'remove_comments' => true,
// remove whitespaces and line breaks
// Recommended: true
'remove_whitespaces' => true,
// remove trailing slash from void elements
// Optional
'remove_trailing_slashes' => true,
// Soon...
'html_cache' => [],
'css_minifier' => [
// Completely enable/disable all functionality
'enabled' => true,
// This will minify inline <style></style> tags, will strip comments and white spaces and new lines.
// Warning: Might break some styles, use with caution.
'minify_inline_styles' => true,
'js_minifier' => [
// Completely enable/disable all functionality
'enabled' => false,
// This will minify inline <script></script> tags, will strip comments and white spaces and new lines.
// Warning: Might break some styles, use with caution.
'minify_inline_js' => true,
// Push assets via HTTP/2 to the browser
'http2_push' => [
// Completely enable/disable all functionality
'enabled' => true,
// Push all local CSS files via HTTP/2
'push_css' => true,
// Push all local JS files via HTTP/2
'push_js' => true,
// Push all local IMG files via HTTP/2
'push_images' => true,
Load the module (in any order):
That's all for now, enjoy!