FikaMed is a digital friend chat bot for immediate support to mental health patients. This platform provides users to understand what they feel and what they can do to calm down and feel better eventually. FikaMed approaches users friendly and addresses them with their names after the users enters their name. The control is in the hands of user and they decide the next step of FikaMed, based on which button they click. The last stage always has a feedback form as well.
FikaMed also has a timer, starts when user clicks on it, to do meditation for one minute. If they feel so, they could repeat this stage as many times as the user wants. This timer is displayed if the user tells FikaMed that they feel angry.
This platform wishes to be an immediate support to deal with one's emotions. However, if the user needs a medical support they should consult a professional doctor.
The header displays the logo and the name of the page.
'Fika' is a word used in Sweden which means a coffe break with a friend. 'Med' is a short word for 'Medical'; and 'med' also means 'together' in Swedish language. This forms the name FikaMed.
The chatbox and a smiley within the logo delivers the understanding of friendly talk with the user.
Feeling Awesome
When the user chooses the reason of their motivation, they will move on to the 'complete stage'.
This is the stage just before the feedback form stage. This stage will be reached by both the ways user chooses at the beginning 'awesom' or 'terrible'. It gives the user a small advice and a motivation.
The feedback form is a voluntary form. It is the final stage from either 'awesome' or 'terrible' options.
With a yes/no radio options, asks the user how they felt after talking to FikaMed.
It has a section to send a message or a suggestion for any improvements by the user.
When clicked the send button, the page will refresh and be directed to the first stage of introduction.
Feeling Terrible
Feeling Angry
First, FikaMed asks the user to do some Inhale and Exhale exercise for a minute.
There is a timer that starts once its clicked. It is a one minute timer, counting backwards. When the timer starts, the counting is displayed below it. Once its over, it says to click it again to repeat the exercise. This gives freedom to user to repeat as many times as they want.
The user can skip this stage if they wish to, and follow up the next tips on what they can do to calm down.
FikaMed tells the user to come again and say how they feel later.
The 'Okay' button at the end will direct the user to the next stage.
After the user clicks 'Okay' button, the user will be directed to 'Complete' stage and then to 'Feedback Form' from there. (this two stages are explained above)
Feeling Sad
FikaMed gives a motivational response to the user.
Provides with some advices on what they can do to feel better.
FikaMed tells the user to come again and say how they feel later.
The 'Okay' button at the end will direct the user to the next stage.
After the user clicks 'Okay' button, the user will be directed to 'Complete' stage and then to 'Feedback Form' from there. (this two stages are explained above)
Feeling Tired
FikaMed gives a motivational response to the user.
Provides with some advices on what they can do to feel better.
FikaMed tells the user to come again and say how they feel later.
The 'Okay' button at the end will direct the user to the next stage.
After the user clicks 'Okay' button, the user will be directed to 'Complete' stage and then to 'Feedback Form' from there. (this two stages are explained above)
Feeling Worthless
FikaMed gives a motivational response to the user.
Provides with some advices on what they can do to feel better.
FikaMed tells the user to come again and say how they feel later.
The 'Okay' button at the end will direct the user to the next stage.
After the user clicks 'Okay' button, the user will be directed to 'Complete' stage and then to 'Feedback Form' from there. (this two stages are explained above)
- In the future, FikaMed can be implemented to hospitals and health services online platform. After it is implemented to the professional medical platforms, an option for booking an appointment will be available. The options user choose about how they feel will give an idea to the doctor.
- The timer can be upgraded to a page with a meditation options. It will have various relaxing nature sounds and music.
I tested this site in different browsers: Chrome and Safari.
I confirm that the options chosen by user responds and behaves respectively.
I tested the colours by Contrast grid.
- HTML : No errors were found when testing through the official W3C Validator.
- CSS : No errors were found when testing through the official W3C CSS Validator.
- JSHint : Some warnings were found when testing through the official JSHint. They were resolved by adding the missing semicolons.
- The site is tested by Lighthouse.
No unfixed bugs
- The site was deployed to Github pages. The steps for deployment are as follows:
- In Github repository, navigate to the Settings tab
- Find the 'pages section' in the settings page
- From the source section drop-down menu, select the Main Branch
- Click save and the page will be refreshed automatically and the site is deployed.
- My site was successfully deployed.
- Click here to visit my deployed site.
- The fonts are taken from Google Fonts.
- The icons are from Font Awesome.
- The method to remove code repetition for hide/show elements and to use " => {hideElement(el);})" is suggested by my Code Institute mentor, Antonija Simic.