Unfortunately, original Fotorama gallery is no longer maintained. You still can use this extension if fotorama fits your project. Check github thread for alternatives.
This yii2 extension is a wrapper for the powerful jQuery gallery Fotorama.
Install this extension using composer.
composer require metalguardian/yii2-fotorama-widget
You should have configured asset-packagist
repository in your project's composer.json
or installed
plugin. For more information see Yii2 bower/npm assets manual
First way:
$fotorama = \metalguardian\fotorama\Fotorama::begin(
'options' => [
'loop' => true,
'hash' => true,
'ratio' => 800/600,
'spinner' => [
'lines' => 20,
'tagName' => 'span',
'useHtmlData' => false,
'htmlOptions' => [
'class' => 'custom-class',
'id' => 'custom-id',
<img src="http://s.fotorama.io/1.jpg">
<img src="http://s.fotorama.io/2.jpg">
<img src="http://s.fotorama.io/3.jpg">
<img src="http://s.fotorama.io/4.jpg">
<img src="http://s.fotorama.io/5.jpg">
<?php \metalguardian\fotorama\Fotorama::end(); ?>
Second way:
echo \metalguardian\fotorama\Fotorama::widget(
'items' => [
['img' => 'http://s.fotorama.io/1.jpg', 'id' => 'id-one',],
['img' => 'http://s.fotorama.io/2.jpg',],
['img' => 'http://s.fotorama.io/3.jpg',],
['img' => 'http://s.fotorama.io/4.jpg',],
'options' => [
'nav' => 'thumbs',
To use CDNJS put this before run widget, will be used current version:
<?php \metalguardian\fotorama\Fotorama::$useCDN = true; ?>
Or select custom version:
<?php \metalguardian\fotorama\Fotorama::$useCDN = '4.5.0'; ?>
To setup default Fotorama widget options to all galleries on page:
'nav' => 'thumbs',
'spinner' => [
'lines' => 20,
'loop' => true,
'hash' => true,
For complete documentation of Fotorama and all widget options please refer to the official Fotorama page
yii2-fotorama-widget is released under the MIT License. See the bundled LICENSE
for details.