This project implements JMT Mode, an Emacs major mode that affords better control of its built-in Java mode, particularly in regard to syntax highlighting. For this, it introduces customizeable faces to highlight the following syntax features.
- Annotation details
- Delimiters (quotes, various forms of bracket and separator)
- Javadoc details
- Keywords, according to role
- Named literals: `true`, `false`, `null`
- Package-declaration details
- Shebang
- Type identifiers at point of declaration (as opposed to reference)
- Type variables at point of declaration
Additionally it corrects the highlighting of features that are mishandled by the built-in mode, such as:
- Annotations
- Assert statements
- Enhanced `for` loops
- Javadoc block tags
- Method and constructor declarations
- Multi-type catch parameters
- Records
- Static imports
You can install JMT Mode from MELPA using a package manager such as ` package.el`. Or you can install it manually.
See `jmt-mode.el` for instructions.
Copyright © 2019-2024 Michael Allan. The files for this project are released under an MIT licence.