PiQuM is a Platform independent & Purpose integrated Quantum Universal Machine
Created by:
David Lee, Teik-Hui
Contributed by:
Jackie Hsiao, Li-Chieh,
Academia Sinica
- Crucial BDR runtimes.
- Measurement status.
- ALL list of Instruments based on DR affiliation.
- Sample assignment to each available
. - Wiring configuration specific for each
- IQ Calibration
- Quality factor Estimation
- Population Estimation (Fidelity)
- Common Fitting (Rabi, T1, T2)
- Qubit Frequency Prediction
flowchart LR
A[User] -->|login| B(Sample)
B --> |meal| C[Queue]
C -->|Characterize:\nCHAR0,1...| D(CW)
C -->|Manipulate:\nQPC0,1...| E(Pulse)
D --> D1[FRESP]
E --> E2[QUBITS]
E --> E3[QPU-1, 2, ...]
User need to register and will be granted certain level of access into the platform.
Sample will be logged for each run of measurement.
Enter the Queue after checking every details about the sample is correct & appropriate. Each Queue can run in parallel to each others.
: Frequency-domain measurement for basic characterization of each cavities and physical qubits. (characterize)QPC
: Time-domain measurement for advanced Quantum Processor Control (manipulate)
Each task has its own directive for respective measurement schemes.
: Frequency ResponseCWSWEEP
: Continuous Wave SweepingSINGLEQB
: Single-Qubit-ish pulse measurementQUBITS
: Multiple Qubits Orchestration
Automatically telling unique story for each sample based on the notes
taken by user. (coming soon)
Waveform / Rhythm:
<start> to <stop> * <steps> <' r ' or '^'> <repeat>
-3 to 3 \*600 r 300
means -3, -2.999, ... 2.998, 2.999, 3 with each point repeating for 300 times.-1 to 1*200 ^100
means -1, -0.999, ... 0.998, 0.999, 1 with each point repeating for 100 times.
"Musical" score dedicated for each DAC channel to orchestrate the train of pulses.
ns=<period>,mhz=<'i' or 'q'>/<IF-rotation>/<mixer-module>;
Available Shapes: Flat, Gauss, Gaussup, Gaussdn, dGauss, dGaussup, dGaussdn
Flexible mace to control multiple parametrized pieces of constant modules. The set of skills a commander possesses will be stored in DR-settings.
<skill-1>: {R1}, <skill-2>: {R2} ... <skill-n>: {Rn}
A JSON-format statement with the capability to Relate each MACE
to perform all sorts of measurements and benchmarkings.
"<parameter in SCORE>" : "<value or waveform assigned>",
"<comma-separated parameters> > <formula or function made from the comma-separated parameters>" : "0",