The WikiTree API provides read-only access to much of the profile data on the site. You can use it for your own applications that read and display the contents. If you want to enable updates to the content, you can use the data from the API and send your users through edit functions on the site.
The WikiTree API is called through the end point:
Parameters can be passed via either GET or POST. For most functions, you will specify an "action", and many also use a "key" to indicate which profile(s) you're working on. The results are returned as JSON. For example:
curl ''
"page_name": "Clemens-1",
"profile": {
"Id": 5185,
"Name": "Clemens-1",
"FirstName": "Samuel",
"MiddleName": "Langhorne",
"LastNameAtBirth": "Clemens",
"status": 0
The "status" field is generally zero (0) if there is no error. It can contain an error message if something went wrong.
curl ''
"page_name": "ThisIsABadWikiTreeID",
"status": "Illegal WikiTree ID"
Person profiles on WikiTree have a Privacy level. Only public profiles can be viewed through the API unless you authenticate as a particular user. Once you've authenticated, you can retrieve the data for profiles that have you on the trusted list. Requesting a private profile does not generate an error, but you only receive a privacy-limited data set.
curl ''
"page_name": "Burk-1",
"profile": {
"Id": 7352,
"Name": "Burk-1",
"IsPerson": 1
"status": 0
Action | Result |
getProfile | Retrieve a Person or Free-Space profile |
getPerson | Retrieve a Person |
getBio | Get the biography text for a person profile |
getPhotos | Get the photos connected to a profile |
getAncestors | Get multiple generations of ancestors of a person profile, following father and mother |
getDescendants | Get multiple generations of descendants of a person profile, following children |
getRelatives | Get parents, children, siblings, and/or spouses of a profile |
getWatchlist | Get the profiles on the watch list of the logged-in profile |
getDNATestsByTestTaker | Get the list of DNA Tests taken by a profile |
getConnectedProfilesByDNATest | Get the profiles connected via DNA test |
getConnectedDNATestsByProfile | Get the DNA Tests connected to a profile |
searchPerson | Search for person profiles |
clientLogin | Authenticate as a member |
curl ''
"page_name": "Franklin-10478",
"profile": {
"Id": 20674257,
"Name": "Franklin-10478",
"FirstName": "Aretha",
"MiddleName": "Louise",
"LastNameAtBirth": "Franklin",
"status": 0
See Examples.
Public profiles can be retrieved without any prior authentication using getProfile, getAncestors, etc.. However if you want to retrieve data for a private profile, then you need to first authenticate as a member. Then you'll be able to retrieve data for any profile which has that member on its Trusted List.
Authentication is a multi-step process in which the editing/viewing user goes to to provide their credentials and return to the API application with a token. The application can then use the token to validate the user.
- Chrome Extension to add a small reference box to WikiTree EditFamily pages.
- Random Tree Walk - wanders around the global tree.
Hosting space of user applications
- on
- Basic file storage for viewing through web browser
- SFTP access only (no control panel for files or anything)