veryVerilog enables an easy way to program PICs from family PIC16F180xy and PIC16F131xy over a Web Browser without the need to install any software using a PIC as a USB HiD device.
The project is based on 3 parts:
- USB-HID PCB (hardware)
- USB-HID Hex File (firmware)
- Web Page to flash Hex files a PIC device attached to the hardware
The PCB looks like this and is based on a PIC16F1455 .
The PIC16F1455 needs a custom firmware to perform as ICSP programmer.
The IC on the left-hand side is the PIC16F1455-I/P and IC on the right-hand side is the miniFPGA (PIC16F13145-I/P) to be programmed.
It is that easy:
Plug the miniFPGA dongle in your computer.
Open the Web Page:
You will see the veryVerilog Web Page:
Click the button "Connect to Programmer" and select the miniFPGA device:
If you have multiple programmers connected, click "identify Programmer" and the LEDs of the connected board will blink for about 2 seconds.
The device is recognized and the Web Page displays information about the connected PIC and the identification of the program already flashed on the device (User Id)
Drag a HEX file on the "Drag and Drop" area and the program will be transfered automatically to the PIC.
Have fun!